Tarkiln Bayou Preserve State Park

Tarkiln Bayou Preserve State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Florida
Location:In Escambia County, 1.5 miles south of the intersection of US 98 and SR 293.
Facilities:Hiking trails, picnic tables.
Activities:Hiking, wildlife viewing, picnicking.
Special Features:Park is home to four species of endangered pitcher plants,including the rare, carnivorous, white-top pitcher plant that is uniqueto the Gulf Coast and found only between the Apalachicola andMississippi rivers. The preserve is also home to other rare andendangered plant species, and almost 100 plant and animal speciesdepend on its wet prairie habitat. This includes the alligator snappingturtle, sweet pitcher plant, and Chapman's butterwort.
Address:c/o Big Lagoon State Park
Pensacola, FL 32507

Web: www.floridastateparks.org/tarkilnbayou
Size: 4,165 acres land; 32 acres water..

See other parks in Florida.