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DictionarySeecraniopharyngiomasuprasellar cyst
cra·ni·o·pha·ryn·gi·o·ma (krā'nē-ō-fă-rin'jē-ō'mă), A suprasellar neoplasm that may be cystic; develops from the nests of epithelium derived from Rathke pouch; the histologic pattern, similar to that observed in adamantinomas, consists of nesting of squamous epithelium bordered by radially arranged cells; frequently accompanied by calcium deposition; may occassionally have a papillary architecture microscopically. Synonym(s): Erdheim tumor, pituitary adamantinoma, pituitary ameloblastoma, Rathke pouch tumor, suprasellar cyst [cranio- + pharyngio- + -oma] suprasellar cystA cyst of the hypophyseal stalk just above the floor of the sella turcica. Its wall is frequently calcified or ossified. See also: cystThesaurusSeecyst |