supraorbital notch

su·pra·or·bi·tal notch

[TA] a groove in the orbital margin of the frontal bone, about the junction of the medial and intermediate thirds, through which pass the supraorbital nerve and artery.
See also: supraorbital foramen.
Synonym(s): incisura supraorbitalis [TA]

su·pra·or·bi·tal notch

(sū'pră-ōr'bit-ăl noch) [TA] A groove in the orbital margin of the frontal bone, around the junction of the medial and intermediate thirds, through which pass the supraorbital nerve and artery.

supraorbital notch

A notch in the superior margin of the orbital arch for transmitting supraorbital vessels and nerve.

supraorbital notch 

An indentation in the orbital margin of the frontal bone, one-third of the way from the nose. The supraorbital nerve and vessels pass through that indentation. Occasionally it is converted into a foramen by ossification.