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hermaphroditism [her-maf´ro-di-tizm″] presence of both ovarian and testicular tissue and of ambiguous morphologic criteria of sex, a rare condition in human beings. Hermaphroditism is not to be confused with pseudohermaphroditism, in which an individual has only one kind of gonad but has significant characters" >secondary sex characters typical of the opposite sex.bilateral hermaphroditism that in which gonadal tissue typical of both sexes occurs on each side of the body.false hermaphroditism pseudohermaphroditism.lateral hermaphroditism presence of gonadal tissue typical of one sex on one side of the body and typical of the other sex on the opposite side.transverse hermaphroditism that in which the external genital organs are typical of one sex and the gonads typical of the other sex.true hermaphroditism coexistence in the same person of both ovarian and testicular tissue, with somatic characters typical of both sexes.unilateral hermaphroditism presence of gonadal tissue typical of both sexes on one side and of only an ovary or a testis on the other.true her·maph·ro·dit·ism [MIM*235600] hermaphroditism in which both ovarian and testicular tissue are present. Somatic characteristics of both sexes are present; also called true intersexuality.true hermaphroditism Endocrinology A condition in which one person has ovarian and testicular tissue, genotypically either 46, XX or 46, XY; 50% to 75% are raised as boys; testicular tissue is dysgenic, doesn't produce sperm and may undergo malignant degeneration–requiring prophylactic removal; ovarian function in those raised as girls may be adequate to produce term pregnancy. See Hermaphroditism, Intersex disorder. true her·maph·ro·di·tism (trū hĕr-mafrō-dīt-izm) Condition in which both ovarian and testicular tissue are present. Somatic characteristics of both sexes are present; also called true intersexuality. |