Track Machine Station
Track Machine Station
a railroad facility in the USSR that performs major and intermediate-level track repairs. It employs between 200 and 300 workers.
A track machine station is usually divided into specialized sections and shops. These include mechanized stationary divisions and mobile divisions in specially equipped passenger cars. The track machine station also has an assembly shop that assembles new sections of track and dismantles used ones, and stocks assembled sections of track and new and used rails, ties, and track fastenings. It also provides facilities for repair of wooden ties. Ballast is kept in storage between stations to ensure an uninterrupted supply for tracks being repaired.
Track machine stations are equipped with track machines and other necessary mechanisms, which are being repaired and maintained in the station’s mechanical shops. The total annual volume of work usually covers up to 100 km of track. Experimental track machine stations are being established to improve the technology of track work and track machines.