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tinea [tin´e-ah] ringworm; any of numerous different fungal infections of the skin; the specific type (depending on characteristic appearance, etiologic agent and site) usually is designated by a modifying term.tinea bar´bae ringworm of the beard, seen on bearded parts of the face and neck; caused by Trichophyton.tinea ca´pitis ringworm of the scalp, a fungal infection caused by various species of Microsporum and Trichophyton. Generally it is characterized by one or more small, round, elevated patches, scaling of the scalp, and dry and brittle hair.tinea cor´poris a fungal infection of the glabrous (smooth) skin, usually due to species of Microsporum or Trichophyton.tinea cru´ris ringworm of the groin area, starting in the perineal folds and extending onto the inner surface of the thighs; it is more common in males and is caused by Epidermophyton floccosum or species of Trichophyton; called also eczema marginatum, epidermophytosis cruris, and jock itch.tinea fa´ciei ringworm of the face, seen on non-hairy areas of the face, often with a similar presentation to that of tinea corporis" >tinea corporis.tinea imbrica´ta a distinctive type of tinea corporis" >tinea corporis occurring in tropical countries and caused by Trichophyton concentricum. The early lesion is circular, surrounded by a ring of scales attached along one edge; several new and larger scaling rings form later.tinea ma´nus (tinea ma´nuum) ringworm of the hand, usually involving the interdigital spaces and palmar surfaces of the hands; it almost always accompanies tinea pedis, with the same etiologic agent for both infections.tinea pe´dis athlete's foot.tinea profun´da granuloma" >trichophytic granuloma.tinea syco´sis an inflammatory, deep type of tinea barbae" >tinea barbae, due to Trichophyton violaceum or T. rubrum.tinea un´guium tinea involving the nails; the invasion may be restricted to white patches or pits on the nail surface, or the lateral or distal edges of the nail may be involved first, followed by establishment of the infection beneath the nail plate.tinea versi´color a chronic, usually asymptomatic disorder due to Malassezia furfur, marked only by multiple macular patches. Called also pityriasis versicolor.tin·e·a ver·sic·'o·loran eruption of tan or brown branny patches on the skin of the trunk, often appearing white, in contrast with hyperpigmented skin after exposure to the summer sun; caused by growth of the fungus Malassezia furfur in the stratum corneum with minimal inflammatory reaction. Synonym(s): pityriasis versicolortinea versicolor Dermatology A chronic skin infection common in ♂ adolescents, caused by a fungus, Pityrosporum orbiculare, which is part of the normal human skin flora Affected sites Underarm, upper arms, chest, neck; the typical lesion is a flat discoloration with a sharp border and fine scales; the lesions are typically dark tan with a reddish cast; in blacks, pigmentary changes are common with hypo– or hyperpigmentation–increase in skin color; itching may or may not be present; TV is more common in hot climates and is associated with ↑ sweatingtin·e·a ver·si·col·or (tin'ē-ă vĕr'si-kŏ-lŏr) An eruption of tan or brown branny patches on the skin of the trunk, often appearing white, in contrast with hyperpigmented skin after exposure to the summer sun; caused by growth of Malassezia furfur in the stratum corneum with minimal inflammatory reaction. Synonym(s): pityriasis versicolor. TINEA VERSICOLOR (on back) TINEA VERSICOLOR (on back)tinea versicolorA fungus infection of the skin producing yellow or fawn-colored branny patches. A topically applied azole antifungal cream or 2% selenium sulfide lotion is effective in treating the causative agent, the fungus Malassezia furfur. Synonym: pityriasis versicolor See: illustrationillustrationSee also: tineatinea versicolor Infection of the skin of the trunk, neck and sometimes the face, with the yeast fungus Pityrosporon orbiculare . This causes multiple, slightly scaly patches varying in colour from white to brown. It is usually treated with a selenium preparation.tin·e·a ver·si·col·or (tin'ē-ă vĕr'si-kŏ'lŏr) An eruption of tan or brown branny patches on the skin of the trunk, often appearing white, in contrast with hyperpigmented skin after exposure to the summer sun. Synonym(s): pityriasis versicolor. |