personal space

per·son·al space

a term used in the behavioral sciences to denote the physical area immediately surrounding a person who is in proximity to one or more others, whether known or unknown; serves as a body buffer zone in such interpersonal transactions. Measure of space determined as appropriate varies widely among ethnic groups and cultures.

personal space

The portable, invisible boundary surrounding a person, into which others should not trespass.

per·son·al space

(pĕr'sŏn-ăl spās) A term used in the behavioral sciences to denote the physical area immediately surrounding a person who is in proximity to one or more others, whether known or unknown, and which serves as a body buffer zone in such interpersonal transactions; concept varies among different societies.

per·son·al space

(pĕr'sŏn-ăl spās) Term used in the behavioral sciences to denote physical area immediately surrounding a person who is in proximity to one or more others, whether known or unknown; serves as a body buffer zone in such interpersonal transactions. Measurement of space determined as appropriate varies among ethnic groups and cultures.