Sagnac, Philippe
Sagnac, Philippe
Born 1868 in Périgueux; died 1954 in Luynes. French historian.
Sagnac was a professor at the universities of Lille (from 1899), Bordeaux (from 1915), and Paris (1923–37). In 1935, at the Sorbonne, he founded the Center for the Study of the French Revolution.
Sagnac’s works, written from a bourgeois liberal point of view, deal mainly with the French Revolution; they contain a great deal of factual material. Together with P. Caron, Sagnac published a collection of documents on the abolition of the feudal order in the period 1789–93.
La Révolution du 10 aoūt 1792. Paris, 1909.Le Rhin français pendant la Révolution et l’Empire. Paris, 1917.
La Révolution (1789–1792). Paris, 1920.
Formation de la société française moderne, vols. 1–2. Paris, 1945–46.
In Russian translation:
Grazhdanskoe zakonodatel’stvo Frantsuzskoi revoliutsii. Moscow, 1928.