


the cathode-ray component of devices used to display alphanumeric information; a Charactron combined with a cathode-ray storage tube. Typotrons are used as electronic displays in information-processing systems and in radar equipment.

When the writing electron beam of a typotron passes through one of the characters in a matrix, its cross section acquires the form of the desired character, and the beam is directed to a specific location on a bistable mesh storage target located in front of a luminescent screen. The beam produces a potential relief in the shape of the character on the surface of the target. Electrons of a broad readout beam bombard the target, pass through it only in those sections with writing, and re-create the image of the recorded character on the screen. The potential relief is retained during this process for a period as long as several hours. A single character can be recorded in approximately 40 microseconds. Image erasure takes place simultaneously over the entire target; the erase time is 50 milliseconds.

The typotron was introduced in the USSR in the early 1960’s.


Soloveichik, I. E., and P. M. Anishchenko. Znakovaia indikatsiia i eeprimenenie v sovremennykh radioelektronnykh sistemakh. Moscow, 1959.
Miasoedov, P. G., and A. F. Sokolov. Otobrazhenie informatsii. Moscow, 1971.