SAFSSchool Away from School (Louisiana)
SAFSSouth Africa Fact Sheet
SAFSSouthern Association of Forensic Scientists
SAFSSouthern Arizona Family Services, Inc.
SAFSSmall Arms Firing School
SAFSSustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
SAFSSchool of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences (University of Washington)
SAFSSwiss Academy of Fitness & Sports
SAFSSan Andreas Fault System
SAFSSevere Asthma with Fungal Sensitization (allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis)
SAFSSafescience, Inc. (stock symbol)
SAFSScanning Actinic Flux Spectroradiometer
SAFSSlovak Association of Research Based Pharmaceutical Companies
SAFSSynoptic Analogue Forecast System
SAFSSistemas Agroforestales Sucesionales (Successional Agroforestry Systems)
SAFSSORTS Automated Formatting System
SAFSSouth Asian Film Series
SAFSSecondary Air Force Specialty
SAFSSerbian American Football Federation (Association of American Football of Serbia)
SAFSSeattle Architectural Finishing School
SAFSStudent Academic and Financial Services
SAFSSouth Atlantic Financial Services, Inc.
SAFSSylvania Area Family Services, Inc. (formerly Huntington Community Center)
SAFSSwiss-American Friendship Society (Denver, Colorado)
SAFSSystem Administration for Science (forum)
SAFSStudent Attendance Fact Sheet
SAFSStern Agee Financial Services, Inc.
SAFSSwiss-Asia Financial Services Pte. Ltd.
SAFSSimulated Annealing Feature Selection (algorithm)