

单词 supportive therapy

supportive therapy

supportive therapy

n 1. (Medicine) med any treatment, such as the intravenous administration of certain fluids, designed to reinforce or sustain the physiological well-being of a patient 2. (Psychology) psychol a form of therapy for mental disturbances employing guidance and encouragement to develop the patient's own resources

supportive therapy

supportive therapy

Secondary therapy Medtalk Any therapy given in addition to a primary therapy–eg, fluids for sepsis. See Primary therapy.

Supportive therapy

Any form of treatment intended to relieve symptoms or help the patient live with them rather than attempt changes in character structure.Mentioned in: Hypochondriasis

Patient discussion about supportive therapy

Q. Is there any clinical evidence to support to my question? Can acupuncture help reduce the pain in fibromyalgia? Is there any clinical evidence to support to my question? A. Yes, acupuncture therapy can reduce the fatigue, widespread pain and sleep problems associated with fibromyalgia. If acupuncture can be used in place of pain reliever then its good as the side effect associated with pain relievers are reduced.

Q. how should i support my wife during this tough period? A. first of all don't call it a tough period. a happy period might work better. although the wife can get annoyed by it. but she'll get annoyed from anything... just try to make her comfortable. foot massage , bubble baths, movies and popcorn.
it really depends on what kind of person is she and what she likes or not.

Q. How can I go about finding a free depression support group where I live? would like to find a depression support group in my area. How do I go about finding one? Google searches are turning up nothing.A. Call the help desk or receptionist of your local or nearest hospital or medical clinic.
You could go to an AA meeting in your local community. A lot of people there are depressed. That's what those meetings do for people, they are a support group.
You could also start one and put a community notice in your local paper.
Get together with others you trust and talk.
Call home and talk.
Find a friend and talk.
I pray. God listens.

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