personal distribution of income

Personal distribution of incomeFig. 141 Personal distribution of income. The personal distribution of original income in the UK, 2004. Original income = income before payment of tax and receipts of state benefits in cash (e.g. pensions) and kind (e.g. health, education). Source: Social Trends, 2004.

personal distribution of income

the distribution of NATIONAL INCOME classified according to the size of income received by individuals or households. The sizes of people's incomes differ for a variety of reasons, including differences in natural abilities, educational attainments, special skills, and differences in the ownership of wealth. The personal distribution of ‘original’ income is very unequal, as Fig. 141 shows. As a result of the REDISTRIBUTION OF INCOME through the taxation and benefits system, however, the distribution of‘final’ income is different from that shown in Fig. 167, REDISTRIBUTION-OFINCOME PRINCIPLE OF TAXATION). See PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION, FUNCTIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME, INCOME PER HEAD.