

单词 refutable



R0121700 (rĭ-fyo͞ot′)tr.v. re·fut·ed, re·fut·ing, re·futes 1. To prove to be false or erroneous; overthrow by argument or proof: refute testimony.2. To deny the accuracy or truth of: refuted the results of the poll.3. Usage Problem To repudiate.
[Latin refūtāre; see bhau- in Indo-European roots.]
re·fut′a·bil′i·ty (rĭ-fyo͞o′tə-bĭl′ĭ-tē, rĕf′yə-tə-) n.re·fut′a·ble (rĭ-fyo͞o′tə-bəl, rĕf′yə-tə-) adj.re·fut′a·bly adv.re·fut′er n.Usage Note: Traditionally, the verb refute has two meanings. The first is "to prove to be false or erroneous," as in Charges of institutional bias against women were refuted by an analysis of the employment data. In this example, it is clear that an argument was mustered to demonstrate the falsity of the charges. This usage is well established as standard. The second meaning is "to deny the accuracy of," and in this use there is no mention or implication of mustering evidence or detailed reasoning. Rather, the refutation exists as a simple statement or claim. This second use has been criticized as incorrect or inappropriate since the early 1900s, despite being common. A majority of the Usage Panel accepts the use as a synonym of deny, but not by a wide margin. In our 2002 survey, 62 percent accepted the example In the press conference, the senator categorically refuted the charges of malfeasance but declined to go into details. This suggests that many readers are uncomfortable with this usage and would prefer to see deny in these contexts. Beyond these two meanings, refute is sometimes used to mean "to deny the validity of, repudiate," as in Observers are expecting the appeals court to refute the Microsoft breakup. The Panel has scant affection for this usage. Some 89 percent rejected the example just quoted in the 2002 survey.
Adj.1.refutable - able to be refutedconfutable, confutative, questionabledeniable - capable of being denied or contradicted


(rəˈfjuːt) verb to prove that (a person, statement etc) is wrong. You can easily refute his argument. 駁斥 反驳reˈfutable adjective 可駁斥的 可驳斥的ˌrefuˈtation (refju-) noun 駁斥 反驳



In lazy functional languages, a refutable pattern is one whichmay fail to match. An expression being matched against arefutable pattern is first evaluated to head normal form(which may fail to terminate) and then the top-levelconstructor of the result is compared with that of thepattern. If they are the same then any arguments are matchedagainst the pattern's arguments otherwise the match fails.

An irrefutable pattern is one which always matches. Anattempt to evaluate any variable in the pattern forces thepattern to be matched as though it were refutable which mayfail to match (resulting in an error) or fail to terminate.

Patterns in Haskell are normally refutable but may be madeirrefutable by prefixing them with a tilde (~). For example,

(\\ (x,y) -> 1) undefined ==> undefined(\\ ~(x,y) -> 1) undefined ==> 1

Patterns in Miranda are refutable, except for tuples which areirrefutable. Thus

g [x] = 2g undefined ==> undefined

f (x,y) = 1f undefined ==> 1

Pattern bindings in local definitions are irrefutable in bothlanguages:

h = 1 where [x] = undefined ==> 1Irrefutable patterns can be used to simulate unlifted productsbecause they effectively ignore the top-level constructor ofthe expression being matched and consider only its components.


  • adj

Synonyms for refutable

adj able to be refuted


  • confutable
  • confutative
  • questionable

Related Words

  • deniable




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