supporting area

sup·port·ing ar·e·a

1. those areas of the maxillary and mandibular edentulous ridges that are considered best suited to carry the forces of mastication when the dentures are in function; 2. Synonym(s): denture foundation area

sup·port·ing a·re·a

(sŭ-pōrting arē-ă) Portions of the maxillary and mandibular edentulous ridges considered best suited to carry the forces of mastication when the dentures are in function.

sup·port·ing a·re·a

(sŭ-pōrting arē-ă) 1. Parts of maxillary and mandibular edentulous ridges considered best suited to carry forces of mastication when dentures are in function. 2. Synonym(s): denture foundation area.