Prolapsus of the Rectum

Prolapsus of the Rectum


the partial or complete twisting of the rectum through the anus to the outside.

In humans. Prolapsus of the rectum occurs more frequently among children than adults. Insufficient development of the apparatus that suspends the intestine, weakness of the pelvic muscles, or sloping of the sacrum and coccyx can predispose a person toward prolapsus of the rectum. It can be caused directly by heavy physical labor (especially in weakened persons), stomach and pelvic trauma, intestinal diseases, or difficult childbearing. In children prolapsus of the rectum sometimes occurs during prolonged diarrhea, constipation, or a prolonged and serious cough. Patients may experience minor pain during defecation; sometimes prolapsus of the rectum is accompanied by incontinence. Treatment for children is to isolate and remove the causes of prolapsus, normalize the stool, and strengthen the individual generally; in adults only surgical treatment is effective.

In animals. Prolapsus of the rectum is most common among pigs and dogs, less frequent among cattle and horses. Predisposing factors include reduced muscle tone of the rectum, weakening of the anal sphincter, and general weakness of the animal. Direct causes include frequent and strong childbirth pains or the introduction of an irritating substance into the rectum. The prolapsed section of the rectum is bathed with a cold disinfectant and astringent solution and set, and the anal opening is narrowed with a pouch seam.