persistent anterior hyperplastic primary vitreous

per·sis·tent an·te·ri·or hy·per·plas·tic pri·mar·y vit·re·ous

a unilateral congenital abnormality occurring in full-term infants; characterized by a retrolental fibrovascular membrane formed by persistent primary vitreous with remnants of the hyaloid artery and tunica vasculosa lentis; associated with leukokoria, microphthalmos, shallow anterior chamber, and elongated ciliary processes.

per·sis·tent an·te·ri·or hy·per·plas·tic pri·mar·y vi·tre·ous

(pĕr-sis'tĕnt an-tēr'ē-ŏr hī'pĕr-plas'tik prī'mar-ē vit'rē-ŭs) A unilateral congenital abnormality occurring in full-term infants; characterized by a retrolental fibrovascular membrane formed by persistent primary vitreous with remnants of the hyaloid artery and tunica vasculosa lentis; associated with leukokoria, microphthalmos, shallow anterior chamber, and elongated ciliary processes.
Synonym(s): persistent fetal vasculature.