

单词 saf



On drawings, abbr. for safety.



Abbreviation for sodium acetate-acetic acid-formalin fixative.
FinancialSeeStructural Adjustment Loan Facility


SAFSecretary of the Air Force
SAFSociety of American Foresters
SAFSingapore Armed Forces
SAFStrategic Air Force (US DoD)
SAFSecurity Assistance Force
SAFSir Alex Ferguson (football manager)
SAFSam and Friends (Muppets)
SAFSaitama Arts Foundation (Japan)
SAFSecond Amendment Foundation
SAFSan Andreas Fault
SAFSociety of American Florists
SAFSystems Analysis in Forest (symposium)
SAFScholarship Application Form (various locations)
SAFSarasota Architectural Foundation (Sarasota, Florida)
SAFSociedad Administradora de Fondos (Spanish: Fund Management Company; Costa Rica)
SAFSubmerged Arc Furnace
SAFShock Absorber Fluid
SAFSociété Astronomique de France (French: Astronomical Society of France)
SAFSatellite Application Facility
SAFScientific American Frontiers (TV series)
SAFSmall Arms Firing
SAFScience and Arts Foundation
SAFServer Application Function
SAFStore and Forward
SAFStand Alone Filter
SAFSingle Auto Focus
SAFSegment Address Field
SAFService Access Facility
SAFSelf Address Fixing
SAFSecure Access Firewall
SAFSecure Authentication Facility
SAFSupport Administration Function
SAFSeasonal Adjustment Factor
SAFSir Alexander Fleming
SAFSpecial Action Force
SAFService Availability Forum
SAFStudents for Academic Freedom
SAFStore And Forward (JMS message; BEA)
SAFStudent Assistance Fund (various locations)
SAFSystem Access Fee
SAFSouth Asian Federation (games)
SAFSummer Arts Festival (various locations)
SAFSystem Authorization Facility
SAFStructural Adjustment Facility
SAFSanta Fe, NM, USA - Santa Fe Municipal Airport (Airport Code)
SAFSvenska Arbetsgivareföreningen (Association of Swedish Employers)
SAFSwedish Armed Forces
SAFServer Application Function (computing)
SAFSouthern Arts Federation
SAFSaint Anthony Foundation (San Francisco, California)
SAFSouthern Attack Force (US Navy)
SAFSemi Automated Forces
SAFSheridan Arts Foundation (Telluride, CO)
SAFStand Alone Facility
SAFSouth Asia Forum
SAFService Agreement Form
SAFSafety Publication
SAFSlotted Amplify-and-Forward
SAFStudy Abroad Foundation
SAFSwedish Employers' Confederation
SAFScience Archive Facility (astronomy)
SAFSuperannuation Funds
SAFSyndrome d'Alcoolisme Foetal (French: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome)
SAFSistemas Agroforestales (Spanish: agroforestry systems)
SAFSan Antonio Film (San Antonio, TX)
SAFState Aviation Fund (various locations)
SAFSwiss Armed Forces
SAFSelf-Adhering Flashing (construction material)
SAFStuck-At Fault
SAFSafety, Arming and Fuzing
SAFShelter Art Foundation (animal alliance)
SAFSociedad Asturiana de Filosofía (Oviedo, Spain)
SAFSubject to Availability of Funds
SAFSingle Asian Female
SAFSisters' Arab Forum for Human Rights
SAFStandard Analytical File (Medicare)
SAFSpacecraft Assembly Facility (NASA/JPL)
SAFSymptomatic Atrial Fibrillation
SAFSet America Free
SAFSymmetry-Adapted Function
SAFStrategic Architect Forum
SAFSpouse Approval Factor (stereos/gadgets)
SAFStudy Abroad Fellowship (various universities)
SAFSpatial Aggregation Framework (data management)
SAFSodium Acetate Formalin
SAFSupplementary Application Form (university admissions)
SAFSecurity Access Facility
SAFSafety Approval Form
SAFSpecific Absorbed Fraction
SAFSponge Awareness Foundation (band)
SAFSecure Automated Fabrication
SAFSample Authorization Form
SAFSwiss AIDS Federation (Zurich, Switzerland)
SAFSchizophrenia Australia Foundation
SAFService des Affaires Francophones (French: Francophone Affairs Department)
SAFSenior Adults Fellowship
SAFSource Address Filter(ing)
SAFSouthern, Central and Eastern Africa
SAFSample Approval Form
SAFSingle Access Forward
SAFSubnetwork Access Facility
SAFSpectral Analysis Facility
SAFService Affecting Failure (rail industry)
SAFSupport Action Form
SAFSingularity-Aware Futurist (quasi-philosopher of scientific advances)
SAFStoryTellers of the American Frontier
SAFSingle-Action Form
SAFSodium Aerosol Filter
SAFSpindle-Assembly Factor
SAFSecurity Authentication Framework (computing)
SAFStatus - Alpha File
SAFSustainable Agri-Forest
SAFStress Amplification Factor
SAFSynthetic Aperture Function
SAFSafety Appraisal Finding
SAFStavanger Arkitektforening (Norwegian: Stavanger Architectural Association)
SAFSystem Administration Function
SAFStakeholder Advisory Forums
SAFSport Aid Foundation
SAFSubmerged Aeration Filter (waste water treatment)
SAFSimultaneous Agroforestry Systems
SAFSampling Adjustment Factors
SAFSri Ariyajothi Foundation (Sri Lanka)
SAFSurficial Amorphous Films




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