Pershing State Park

Pershing State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Missouri
Location:7 miles west of Brookfield or 18 miles east of Chillicothe, off US 36 on Highway 130 in Linn County.
Facilities:12 basic campsites, 26 electric campsites, showers, special use area,picnic sites, picnic shelters (1 open, 1 enclosed), swimming beach,hiking and backpacking trails.
Activities:Camping, river and stream fishing, swimming, hiking, backpacking, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park was established in honor of John J. Pershing, commanding generalof the American Expeditionary Forces during World War I. A hike downRiparian Trail provides a glimpse of pre-settlement Missouri, and foursmall lakes and Locust Creek offer anglers a variety of fish. Along thecreek are forested bottomlands, shrub swamps, marshes, and a 1,000-acrewet prairie.
Address:29277 Hwy 130
Laclede, MO 64651

Size: 3,566 acres.

See other parks in Missouri.