Saenger operation

Saen·ger op·er·a·tion

(sāng'ĕr), cesarean section followed by careful closure of the uterine wound by three tiers of sutures.

Saen·ger op·er·a·tion

(sāng'er op-ĕr-ā'shŭn) Cesarean delivery followed by careful closure of the uterine wound by three tiers of sutures.


Max, Czech obstetrician, 1853-1903. Saenger macula - a spot of red brighter than the surrounding membrane, at the congested orifice of the duct of Bartholin gland. Synonym(s): macula gonorrhoicaSaenger operation - cesarean section followed by careful closure of the uterine wound by three tiers of sutures.Saenger ovum forcepsSaenger sutureSaenger ulcer