Acronym | Definition |
SAE➣Society of Automotive Engineers (Warrendale, PA) |
SAE➣Self-Addressed Envelope |
SAE➣Stamped Addressed Envelope |
SAE➣Supervised Agricultural Experience |
SAE➣Serious Adverse Event |
SAE➣Serious Adverse Event (clinical trials) |
SAE➣Sigma Alpha Epsilon |
SAE➣Services aux Entreprises (French: Business Services; Canada) |
SAE➣Senior Account Executive |
SAE➣Significant Adverse Event (medical reaction) |
SAE➣Senior Associate Editor |
SAE➣School of Audio Engineering |
SAE➣Siamese Algae Eater (tropical aquarium fish) |
SAE➣Senior Application Engineer |
SAE➣Sales Account Executive |
SAE➣Service Acquisition Executive |
SAE➣Small Area Estimation (statistics) |
SAE➣Small Animal Emergency (various locations) |
SAE➣Self-Assessment Examination |
SAE➣Sales Application Engineer |
SAE➣Self Appointed Expert |
SAE➣Secretaría de Análisis Estratégico (Guatemala) |
SAE➣Suitable Alternative Employment |
SAE➣Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (various organizations) |
SAE➣Security Awareness and Enforcement |
SAE➣Society of Automotive Engineers |
SAE➣System Architecture Evolution (3GPP) |
SAE➣Services aux Etudiants (French: Student Services; Canada) |
SAE➣Soutien aux Enfants (French: Support for Children; tax credit) |
SAE➣Screen Archives Entertainment (Linden, VA) |
SAE➣Scholarship for Academic Excellence (New York) |
SAE➣Self-Assessment Exercise |
SAE➣Standard American English |
SAE➣South American Explorers |
SAE➣Sexual Assault Evidence |
SAE➣Sexual Assault Examiner |
SAE➣Standard Australian English |
SAE➣School Age Enrichment (program; various locations) |
SAE➣Strategic Account Executive |
SAE➣Scientific Audio Electronics (1968-1992) |
SAE➣Site Area Emergency (Nuclear) |
SAE➣Shared Application Environment |
SAE➣Senior Articles Editor (law review) |
SAE➣Stand Alone Executive |
SAE➣Substance Abuse Evaluation |
SAE➣Syarikat Azmir Engineering (Malaysia) |
SAE➣Special Area of Emphasis |
SAE➣Systems Application Engineering, Inc. |
SAE➣Stafford Act Employee |
SAE➣Society of Afghan Engineers |
SAE➣Suspended Access Equipment |
SAE➣Same Assholes Everywhere |
SAE➣Secretarial Acquisition Executive (DoE) |
SAE➣Software Architecture Engineering |
SAE➣Solar Array Experiment |
SAE➣Surface Artificielle d'Escalade (French) |
SAE➣Secrétaire des Affaires Étrangères (French: Secretary of Foreign Affairs) |
SAE➣Secure Attribute Exchange |
SAE➣Sustainable Agriculture Education |
SAE➣Services d'Aide aux Employés (French: Employee Assistance Service; Canada) |
SAE➣Single Above Elbow (amputation) |
SAE➣Sons of Adam and Eve |
SAE➣Systems Architecture & Engineering |
SAE➣Societe Anonyme Egyptienne (French: Egyptian Joint Stock Company) |
SAE➣Spreading Activation Energy |
SAE➣Stand Alone Edit |
SAE➣Services Assisted Evacuation |
SAE➣Scientific Audio Engineers |
SAE➣Somebody Anybody Everybody |
SAE➣Site Acceptance Evaluation |
SAE➣Secure Architecture Evaluation (SBC) |
SAE➣Seamless Access Environment |
SAE➣Shipboard Antenna Electronics |
SAE➣Study of Artillery Effects |
SAE➣Sharing-of-ELINT Analysis Effort |