Sadovskii, Vissarion
Sadovskii, Vissarion Dmitrievich
Born July 24 (Aug. 6), 1908, in Omsk. Soviet metallurgist. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1970).
Sadovskii graduated from the University of Kazan in 1930 and thereafter worked at the Zlatoust Tool Plant. In 1935 he began working at the Urals branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Sverdlovsk, and in 1958, at the Institute of the Physics of Metals of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Sverdlovsk. Between 1944 and 1959 he also taught at the S. M. Kirov Urals Polytechnic Institute, where he became a professor in 1946.
Sadovskii’s major works deal with the kinetics of the transformation of supercooled austenite, the theory of phase recrys-tallization of steels during heating, the hardening of steels and alloys (high-temperature thermomechanical treatment, phase cold working, and magnetic thermomechanical treatment), alloying, and the temper brittleness of steels. Sadovskii has been awarded the Order of the Red Star.
Prevrashcheniia pereokhlazhdennogo austenita, vol. 1. Sverdlovsk-Moscow, 1947.Fazovye i strukturnye prevrashcheniia pri nagreve stali. Sverdlovsk-Moscow, 1954. (With K. A. Malyshev and B. G. Sazonov.)
Strukturnaia nasledstvennost’v stali. Moscow, 1973.