

单词 alf



(ælf) nderogatory Austral an uncultivated Australian[from shortening of the name Alfred]


(in Britain) abbreviation for (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Animal Liberation Front



Abbreviation for:
Activity-led funding (Medspeak-UK)
acute liver failure
alveolar lining fluid
assisted living facility


ALFAnimal Liberation Front
ALFAssisted Living Facility
ALFAmerican Liver Foundation
ALFAlien Life Form
ALFAlfter License Fee
ALFAllocation Logement Familiale (French: Family Housing Allowance)
ALFAcute Liver Failure
ALFApplication Layer Filtering
ALFAutomatic Line Feed
ALFAccurate Positioning by Low Frequency
ALFApplication Layer Framing
ALFArea Labor Federation (various locations)
ALFApplication Level Framing
ALFAbundant Life Fellowship (religion)
ALFAccess to Learning Fund (financial aid; UK)
ALFArab Liberation Front
ALFApplication Lifecycle Framework
ALFAssociation of Libertarian Feminists
ALFAmerican Legacy Foundation
ALFAmerican Leadership Forum (various locations)
ALFAvenir de la Langue Française (French: Future of the French Language)
ALFAssociation des Ludothèques Françaises (French: French Toy Library Association)
ALFAdult Living Facility
ALFAgriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (industry sector)
ALFAfrica Leadership Forum (Nigeria)
ALFAllocation de Logement à Caractère Familial
ALFAnna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue Between Cultures (Euro-Mediterranean organization)
ALFAlgebraic Logic Functional (programming language)
ALFAdvanced Library Format
ALFAtlantic Logistic Forum
ALFAuxiliary Landing Field
ALFAlberta Lottery Fund (Alberta, Canada)
ALFAlfonsinos (FAO fish species code)
ALFAmerican LaFrance LLC (Summerville, SC firetruck manufacturer)
ALFAirlift Flight
ALFAccessible Low Floor (busses)
ALFAutumn Leaf Festival
ALFAmerican Liberation Front
ALFAlta, Norway - Elvebakken (Airport Code)
ALFAccelerated Load Facility
ALFAverage Load Factor
ALFAutomatic Login Facility
ALFAbsorption Limiting Frequency
ALFAmerican Liberty Foundation
ALFArt of Living Foundation (Bangalore, India)
ALFAirborne Laser Fluorosensor (offshore petroleum industry, environmental protection)
ALFA Lame Frontend
ALFAssisted Load Format
ALFAdaptive Lattice Filter
ALFAbha Light Foundation (Kenya)
ALFAmerican Legal Foundation
ALFAft Looking Forward
ALFAbout Life & Faith (Christianity)
ALFAdvanced List Format
ALFAerospace Legacy Foundation (Downey, CA)
ALFAlert Log File
ALFAnnual Licensing Fee
ALFArgonne Load Flow (Model)
ALFAlfalfa Lawn Farm
ALFAir-Land Force
ALFAutomatic Letter Facer (mechanised letter sorting; Royal Mail - Postal Authority for the United Kingdom)
ALFair lift forces
ALFAcquisition Logistics, and Fulfillment
ALFAmbassador Lapel Flag
ALFArithmetic and Log Function (Nortel)
ALFA Lotta Firetrucks (General Services Administration fire truck sales program)
ALFApplication Load Facility




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