Saddleback Butte State Park
Saddleback Butte State Park
Location:17 miles east of Lancaster on East Avenue J and 170th Street East.
Facilities:50 family campsites, group camp, restrooms, picnicareas, nature trails, hiking trails, equestrian trail (4.5 miles),visitor center, exhibits.
Activities:Camping, hiking, horseback riding.
Special Features:Saddleback Butte is a 3,651-foot-high granite mountaintop that stands1,000 feet above Antelope Valley on the western edge of the MojaveDesert. The state park, which surrounds the butte, was created toprotect the butte as well as examples of native Joshua Tree woodlandsand other plants and animals that were once common throughout this highdesert area.
Address:c/o Inland Empire District Office
17801 Lake Perris Dr
Perris, CA 92571
Size: 2,954 acres.
See other parks in California.