Sofia Metal-Cutting-Machine Plant
Sofia Metal-Cutting-Machine Plant
a machine-building enterprise in the People’s Republic of Bulgaria, in Sofia. Founded in 1948 as the State Mechanical Plant, the enterprise replaced a factory and a number of small machine shops. It was modernized in the years 1954–56 and given its present name in 1957. The plant produces multipurpose lathes and grinders and automatic and semiautomatic lathes. A foundry was added in 1957 and was modernized in 1973.
With its second modernization in 1964, the Sofia Metal-cutting-machine Plant began producing lathes with programmed control, combined machine-tool units, and transfer lines equipped with multiple lathe units. In 1968 a new forge-and-press section was added to the plant. During the past 25 years, more than 30 types of metal-cutting machines have been produced, including multipurpose machine tools of various sizes. The products of the plant are exported to more than 60 countries.
The plant was awarded the Order of Georgii Dimitrov in 1973.