Permitin, Efim Nikolaevich

Permitin, Efim Nikolaevich


Born Dec. 27, 1895 (Jan. 8, 1896), in Ust’-Kamenogorsk, in what is now Vostochnyi Kazakhstan Oblast, Kazakh SSR; died Apr. 18, 1971, in Moscow. Soviet Russian writer.

Permitin began working at an early age. He fought in World War I (1914–18) and the Civil War (1918–20). He was first published in 1921. His epic novel Mountain Eagles is devoted to the class struggle in the countryside; it comprises the novels The Trap (1930) and The Claws (1931), singled out by M. Gorky, as well as the novella The Enemy (1933) and the novel Love (1937). Permitin is also the author of the novel Spring Streams (1955) and the autobiographical trilogy The Life of Aleksei Rokotov, comprising Early Morning (1958), First Love (1962), and Forest Poem (1969). The trilogy was awarded the M. Gorky RSFSR State Prize in 1970. For the most part, Permitin’s works, broad in range and full of sharp conflicts, are devoted to life in the Soviet countryside.


Strast’: Rasskazy iz tsikla “Chelovek i Priroda.” Moscow, 1973.


Mantorov, G. Efim Permitin: Ocherk zhizni i tvorchestva. Moscow, 1966.
Shkerin, M. Tainy tvorchestva: Efim Permitin i ego romany. Novosibirsk, 1971.
Smirnov, N. “Drug. Master. Sledopyt.” Sibirskie ogni, 1973, no. 3.
Russkie sovetskie pisateli-prozaiki: Biobibliograficheskii ukazatel’, vol. 3. Leningrad, 1964.