progressive relaxation


 [re″lak-sa´shun] a lessening of tension.relaxation/breathing techniques in the omaha system, activities that relieve muscle tension, induce a quiet body response, and rebuild energy resources; this may include deep breathing exercises, imagery, meditation, and other techniques.force relaxation the decrease in the amount of force required to maintain a tissue at a set amount of displacement or deformation over relaxation a method of deep muscle relaxation based on the premise that muscle tension is the body's physiological response to anxiety-provoking thoughts and that muscle relaxation blocks muscle relaxation 1. progressive relaxation.2. in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as facilitating the tensing and releasing of successive muscle groups while attending to the resulting differences in sensation.relaxation techniques methods used to promote lessening of tension, reduction of anxiety, and management of pain. Physiologic effects include a decrease in pulse rate, respiratory rate and oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production and elimination, blood pressure, metabolic rate, and muscle tension. Additionally, relaxation can cause peripheral vasodilation and increased peripheral temperature.

Relaxation techniques include full-body relaxation, color exchange, in which a discomfort is given a color and eliminated, and listening to restful music or meditative sounds. Such techniques are helpful in many situations in which persons are tense, in pain, highly stressed, or anxious. They can be useful in the treatment of asthma, hyperventilation, high blood pressure, Raynaud's disease, headache, and peptic ulcers.
Though varied, techniques have several features in common: rhythmic breathing, reduced muscle tension, and an altered state of consciousness. In the latter, the relaxed person sinks into an alpha level of consciousness, which falls between full consciousness and unconsciousness. In this state thought processes become less logical and more associative and creative; hence, one is more receptive to positive suggestions, and better able to concentrate on a single mental image or idea. Upon returning from the alpha state of consciousness to full consciousness one feels rested and more alert.

progressive relaxation

Mind-body medicine
A relaxation technique, developed in 1909 by E Jacobson at Harvard, and used in mind-body medicine to cope with stress, in which muscle groups are grasped in succession, starting at one end of the body and going to the other.