(tool, IBM)The SuperZAP program was a quick hack written by one IBMEngineer, possibly from IBM UK, in the late 1960s to directlyfix executable files. He needed to fix a bug but it wouldhave taken hours to rebuild the vast OS/360 executables.
The S/360 architecture has an instruction ZAP (Zero and AddPacked) for packed decmial arithmetic, that sets the byte ata given address to a given value. Superzap used this to writedata given as a string of hex digits to a given location in anexecutable file in a matter of seconds.
Soon the IBM development labs were releasing all ProgrammingTemporary Fixes (PTFs) to OS/360 in this form. OS/360included a version called IMASPZAP or AMASPZAP which persistedthrough MVS, MVS/SP, MVS/XA, OS/390 and probably stillremains in z/OS, the distant descendent of OS/360.
[Private 2004-02-05 e-mail from Chris Gage, IBM employee andSuperZap user, 1970-].