

单词 better



more useful, desirable or suitable: This is a much better choice.
Not to be confused with:bettor – one who makes a wager: The bettor goes to Las Vegas as often as he can. Some words with the prefix bi- have no standard usage and need to be qualified whenever they are used. For instance, if you called for a biweekly meeting, you’d have to explain whether you meant two times a week or every other week.

bet·ter 1

B0218100 (bĕt′ər) adj. Comparative of good. 1. Greater in excellence or higher in quality: Which of the twins is the better skater? 2. More useful, suitable, or desirable: found a better way to go; a suit with a better fit than that one. 3. More highly skilled or adept: I am better at math than English. 4. Greater or larger: argued for the better part of an hour. 5. More advantageous or favorable; improved: a better chance of success. 6. Healthier, more fit, or in less discomfort than before: The patient is better today. adv. Comparative of well2. 1. In a more excellent way: He sings better than his father. 2. a. To a greater extent or degree: better suited to the job; likes it better without sauce. b. To greater advantage; preferably: a deed better left undone. See Usage Notes at best, have, rather.3. More: It took me better than a year to recover. n. 1. One that is greater in excellence or higher in quality. 2. often betters A superior, as in standing, competence, or intelligence: to learn from one's betters. v. bet·tered, bet·ter·ing, bet·ters v. tr. 1. To make better; improve: trying to better conditions in the prison; bettered myself by changing jobs. 2. To surpass or exceed: practiced so he could better his rival. v. intr. To become better: Conditions bettered with time. Idioms: better off In a better or more prosperous condition: would be better off taking the train instead of driving; felt better off after the rise in stock prices. for the better Resulting in or aiming at an improvement: Her condition took a turn for the better. get (or have) the better ofTo outdo or outwit; defeat. think better of To change one's mind about (a course of action) after reconsideration: I almost bought an expensive watch, but then I thought better of it.
[Middle English, from Old English betera; see bhad- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.]

bet·ter 2

B0218100 (bĕt′ər)n. Variant of bettor.


(ˈbɛtə) adj1. the comparative of good2. more excellent than other members of a particular group, category, etc3. more suitable, advantageous, attractive, etc4. improved in health5. fully recovered in health6. in more favourable circumstances, esp financially7. better off in more favourable circumstances, esp financially8. the better part of a large part of: the better part of a day. adv9. the comparative of well110. in a more excellent manner; more advantageously, attractively, etc11. in or to a greater degree or extent; more: she is better loved than her sister. 12. go one better (Brit intr; US tr) to outdo (a person) or improve upon (someone else's effort)13. had better would be wise, sensible, etc to: I had better be off. 14. know better than to not to be so stupid as to15. think better of a. to change one's course of action after reconsiderationb. to rate (a person) more highlyn16. the better something that is the more excellent, useful, etc, of two such things17. (usually plural) a person who is superior, esp in social standing or ability18. all the better for improved as a result of19. all the better to more suitable to20. for better for worse whatever the subsequent events or changes may be21. for the better by way of improvement: a change for the better. 22. get the better of to defeat, outwit, or surpass23. the better of Irish having recovered from: I'm not the better of it yet. vb24. to make or become better25. (tr) to improve upon; surpass[Old English betera; related to Old Norse betri, Gothic batiza, Old High German beziro]


(ˈbɛtə) or


na person who bets


(ˈbɛt ər)
adj. 1. of superior quality or excellence: a better coat. 2. morally superior: no better than thieves. 3. of superior suitability; preferable: a better time for action. 4. larger; greater: the better part of a lifetime. 5. improved in health; healthier than before. adv. compar. of well with best as superl. 6. in a more appropriate manner: to behave better. 7. to a greater degree; more completely: knows the way better than I. 8. more: lives better than a mile away. v.t. 9. to make better; improve: to better the lot of the needy. 10. to improve upon: bettered last year's production record. n. 11. something that is preferable: the better of two choices. 12. Usu., betters. those superior to oneself. Idioms: 1. better off, a. in better circumstances. b. more fortunate; happier. 2. get or have the better of, a. to get an advantage over. b. to prevail against. 3. go (someone) one better, to exceed another's efforts; surpass. 4. had better or best, ought to. [before 900; Middle English bettre, Old English bet(t)(e)ra] syn: See improve.


(ˈbɛt ər)

n. bettor.


1. used as a comparative

Better is the comparative form of both good and well. Don't say that something is 'more good' or is done 'more well'. You say that it is better or is done better.

The results were better than expected.Some people could ski better than others.

You can use words such as even, far, a lot, and much in front of better.

Bernard knew him even better than Annette did.I decided that it would be far better just to wait.I always feel much better after a bath.
2. another meaning of 'better'

You can also say that someone is better, or is feeling better. This means that they are recovering, or that they have recovered, from an illness or injury.

Her cold was better.The doctor thinks I'll be better by the weekend.
3. 'had better'

If you say that someone had better do something, you mean that they ought to do it. Had better is always followed by an infinitive without to. People usually shorten had to 'd. They say 'I'd better', 'We'd better', and 'You'd better'.

I 'd better introduce myself.We'd better go.

Be Careful!
You must use had or 'd in sentences like these. Don't say 'I better introduce myself' or 'I better go'.

In negative sentences, not goes after had better.

We'd better not tell him what happened.

Be Careful!
Don't say that someone 'hadn't better' do something.


Past participle: bettered
Gerund: bettering
I better
you better
he/she/it betters
we better
you better
they better
I bettered
you bettered
he/she/it bettered
we bettered
you bettered
they bettered
Present Continuous
I am bettering
you are bettering
he/she/it is bettering
we are bettering
you are bettering
they are bettering
Present Perfect
I have bettered
you have bettered
he/she/it has bettered
we have bettered
you have bettered
they have bettered
Past Continuous
I was bettering
you were bettering
he/she/it was bettering
we were bettering
you were bettering
they were bettering
Past Perfect
I had bettered
you had bettered
he/she/it had bettered
we had bettered
you had bettered
they had bettered
I will better
you will better
he/she/it will better
we will better
you will better
they will better
Future Perfect
I will have bettered
you will have bettered
he/she/it will have bettered
we will have bettered
you will have bettered
they will have bettered
Future Continuous
I will be bettering
you will be bettering
he/she/it will be bettering
we will be bettering
you will be bettering
they will be bettering
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been bettering
you have been bettering
he/she/it has been bettering
we have been bettering
you have been bettering
they have been bettering
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been bettering
you will have been bettering
he/she/it will have been bettering
we will have been bettering
you will have been bettering
they will have been bettering
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been bettering
you had been bettering
he/she/it had been bettering
we had been bettering
you had been bettering
they had been bettering
I would better
you would better
he/she/it would better
we would better
you would better
they would better
Past Conditional
I would have bettered
you would have bettered
he/she/it would have bettered
we would have bettered
you would have bettered
they would have bettered
Noun1.better - something superior in quality or condition or effect; "a change for the better"goodness, good - that which is pleasing or valuable or useful; "weigh the good against the bad"; "among the highest goods of all are happiness and self-realization"
2.better - someone who betsbetter - someone who bets bettor, wagerer, puntertaker - one who takes a bet or wagercaller - the bettor in a card game who matches the bet and calls for a show of handsgambler - a person who wagers money on the outcome of games or sporting events
3.better - a superior person having claim to precedencebetter - a superior person having claim to precedence; "the common man has been kept in his place by his betters"higher-up, superior, superordinate - one of greater rank or station or quality
4.better - the superior one of two alternatives; "chose the better of the two"goodness, good - that which is pleasing or valuable or useful; "weigh the good against the bad"; "among the highest goods of all are happiness and self-realization"
Verb1.better - surpass in excellence; "She bettered her own record"; "break a record"breakoutdo, outgo, outmatch, outperform, outstrip, surpass, exceed, surmount - be or do something to a greater degree; "her performance surpasses that of any other student I know"; "She outdoes all other athletes"; "This exceeds all my expectations"; "This car outperforms all others in its class"
2.better - to make betterbetter - to make better; "The editor improved the manuscript with his changes"ameliorate, improve, meliorate, amendalleviate, relieve, palliate, assuage - provide physical relief, as from pain; "This pill will relieve your headaches"aid, help - improve the condition of; "These pills will help the patient"revitalize, regenerate - restore strength; "This food revitalized the patient"alter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"enrich - make better or improve in quality; "The experience enriched her understanding"; "enriched foods"build up, develop - change the use of and make available or usable; "develop land"; "The country developed its natural resources"; "The remote areas of the country were gradually built up"ameliorate, improve, meliorate, better - get better; "The weather improved toward evening"turn around - improve dramatically; "The new strategy turned around sales"; "The tutor turned around my son's performance in math"help - improve; change for the better; "New slipcovers will help the old living room furniture"upgrade - to improve what was old or outdated; "I've upgraded my computer so I can run better software"; "The company upgraded their personnel"condition - put into a better state; "he conditions old cars"emend - make improvements or corrections to; "the text was emended in the second edition"iron out, put right, straighten out - settle or put right; "we need to iron out our disagreements"enhance - make better or more attractive; "This sauce will enhance the flavor of the meat"fix, furbish up, mend, repair, bushel, doctor, touch on, restore - restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken; "She repaired her TV set"; "Repair my shoes please"reform - make changes for improvement in order to remove abuse and injustices; "reform a political system"reform - improve by alteration or correction of errors or defects and put into a better condition; "reform the health system in this country"beautify, fancify, prettify, embellish - make more beautifulbuild - improve the cleansing action of; "build detergents"perfect, hone - make perfect or complete; "perfect your French in Paris!"fine-tune, refine, polish, down - improve or perfect by pruning or polishing; "refine one's style of writing"distill, make pure, purify, sublimate - remove impurities from, increase the concentration of, and separate through the process of distillation; "purify the water"fructify - make productive or fruitful; "The earth that he fructified"lift, raise - invigorate or heighten; "lift my spirits"; "lift his ego"advance - develop further; "We are advancing technology every day"upgrade - give better travel conditions to; "The airline upgraded me when I arrived late and Coach Class was full"educate - give an education to; "We must educate our youngsters better"aggravate, exacerbate, worsen, exasperate - make worse; "This drug aggravates the pain"
3.better - get betterbetter - get better; "The weather improved toward evening"ameliorate, improve, meliorateconvalesce, recover, recuperate - get over an illness or shock; "The patient is recuperating"heal - get healthy again; "The wound is healing slowly"change state, turn - undergo a transformation or a change of position or action; "We turned from Socialism to Capitalism"; "The people turned against the President when he stole the election"see the light, straighten out, reform - change for the better; "The lazy student promised to reform"; "the habitual cheater finally saw the light"surge - see one's performance improve; "He levelled the score and then surged ahead"turn around, pick up - improve significantly; go from bad to good; "Her performance in school picked up"ameliorate, improve, meliorate, amend, better - to make better; "The editor improved the manuscript with his changes"bounce back, get well, get over - improve in health; "He got well fast"heal, mend - heal or recover; "My broken leg is mending"fructify - become productive or fruitful; "The seeds fructified"upgrade - get better travel conditions; "I upgraded to First Class when Coach Class was overbooked"decline, worsen - grow worse; "Conditions in the slum worsened"
Adj.1.better - (comparative of `good') superior to another (of the same class or set or kind) in excellence or quality or desirability or suitabilitybetter - (comparative of `good') superior to another (of the same class or set or kind) in excellence or quality or desirability or suitability; more highly skilled than another; "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din"; "a better coat"; "a better type of car"; "a suit with a better fit"; "a better chance of success"; "produced a better mousetrap"; "she's better in math than in history"comparative, comparative degree - the comparative form of an adjective or adverb; "`faster' is the comparative of the adjective `fast'"; "`less famous' is the comparative degree of the adjective `famous'"; "`more surely' is the comparative of the adverb `surely'"worse - (comparative of `bad') inferior to another in quality or condition or desirability; "this road is worse than the first one we took"; "the road is in worse shape than it was"; "she was accused of worse things than cheating and lying"
2.better - (comparative of `good') changed for the better in health or fitnessbetter - (comparative of `good') changed for the better in health or fitness; "her health is better now"; "I feel better"comparative, comparative degree - the comparative form of an adjective or adverb; "`faster' is the comparative of the adjective `fast'"; "`less famous' is the comparative degree of the adjective `famous'"; "`more surely' is the comparative of the adverb `surely'"worsened, worse - changed for the worse in health or fitness; "I feel worse today"; "her cold is worse"
3.better - (comparative and superlative of `well') wiser or more advantageous and hence advisable; "it would be better to speak to him"; "the White House thought it best not to respond"bestcomparative, comparative degree - the comparative form of an adjective or adverb; "`faster' is the comparative of the adjective `fast'"; "`less famous' is the comparative degree of the adjective `famous'"; "`more surely' is the comparative of the adverb `surely'"advisable - worthy of being recommended or suggested; prudent or wise; "such action is neither necessary nor advisable"; "extreme caution is advisable"; "it is advisable to telephone first"
4.better - more than half; "argued for the better part of an hour"major - greater in number or size or amount; "a major portion (a majority) of the population"; "Ursa Major"; "a major portion of the winnings"
Adv.1.better - comparative of `well'; in a better or more excellent manner or more advantageously or attractively or to a greater degree etc.; "She had never sung better"; "a deed better left undone"; "better suited to the job"
2.better - from a position of superiority or authority; "father knows best"; "I know better."best


adverb1. to a greater degree, more completely, more thoroughly I like your interpretation better than the one I was taught.2. in a more excellent manner, more effectively, more attractively, more advantageously, more competently, in a superior way If we had played better we might have won.
in a more excellent manner worse
adjective1. well, stronger, improving, progressing, recovering, healthier, cured, mending, fitter, fully recovered, on the mend (informal), more healthy, less ill He is better now.
well worse
2. superior, finer, nicer, worthier, higher-quality, surpassing, preferable, more appropriate, more useful, more valuable, more suitable, more desirable, streets ahead, more fitting, more expert I've been able to have a better car than I otherwise could have.
superior worse, lesser, inferior, substandard
verb1. beat, top, exceed, excel, surpass, outstrip, outdo, trump, improve on or upon, cap (informal) He bettered the old record of 4 minutes 24.2. improve, further, raise, forward, reform, advance, promote, correct, enhance, upgrade, amend, mend, rectify, augment, ameliorate, meliorate Our parents came here with the hope of bettering themselves. improve lower, depress, weaken, worsen, lessen, impoverish, devaluateget the better of someone defeat, beat, surpass, triumph over, outdo, trounce, outwit, best, subjugate, prevail over, outsmart (informal), get the upper hand, score off, run rings around (informal), wipe the floor with (informal), make mincemeat of (informal), blow out of the water (slang) He usually gets the better of them.

better 1

adjective1. Of greater excellence than another:preferable, superior.2. Much more than half:best, greater, larger, largest, most.adverbTo a greater extent:more.noun1. One who stands above another in rank:elder, senior, superior.Informal: higher-up.2. A dominating position, as in a conflict:advantage, bulge, draw, drop, edge, superiority, upper hand, vantage.Informal: inside track, jump.verb1. To advance to a more desirable state:ameliorate, amend, help, improve, meliorate, upgrade.2. To be greater or better than:best, exceed, excel, outdo, outmatch, outrun, outshine, outstrip, pass, surpass, top, transcend.Informal: beat.Idioms: go beyond, go one better.

better 2

nounSee bettor


(ˈbetə) adjective1. good to a greater extent. His new car is better than his old one. 較好的 较好的2. stronger in health; recovered (from an illness). I feel better today; She's better now. 健康狀況好轉,病癒 (健康状况)有所好转 3. preferable. Better to do it now than later. 更好的 更好的 adverb well to a greater extent. He sings better now than he did before. 更好地 更好地 pronoun someone or something which is good to a greater extent than the other (of two people or things). He's the better of the two. (兩者中)較優者 (两者中)较优者 verb to improve (on). He's bettered all previous records; The situation has bettered a little. 改善 改善better off richer; happier in some way. He'd be better off working as a miner; You'd be better off without him. 過得更好 境况较好the better part of most of. He talked for the better part of an hour. 大部分的 大部分的get the better of to overcome; to win (against). He got the better of his opponent / the argument. 打敗 打败
He is better today (not He is more better). He is much better is correct.
You had better come / You'd better come (not You better come).


好转的zhCN, 更好地zhCN, 较好的zhCN


  • (all) the better for (something)
  • (all) the better to (do something)
  • (one had) better be going
  • (one had) better get moving
  • (one had) better get on (one's) horse
  • (one's) better half
  • (one's) better nature
  • (someone had) better keep quiet about it
  • (someone had) better keep still about it
  • (something) is better than nothing
  • a (damn) sight better
  • a (damn) sight worse
  • a bad excuse is better than none
  • a better mousetrap
  • a live dog is better than a dead lion
  • a notch better than
  • a sight better, worse, etc.
  • against (one's) better judgment
  • against one's better judgment
  • against your better judgement
  • all better
  • all better (now)
  • all the
  • all the better
  • all the more reason for
  • bad excuse is better than none
  • be better off
  • be better off dead
  • be better placed
  • be better than a kick in the pants
  • be ideally placed
  • be well placed
  • be well, ideally, better, etc. placed for something/to do something
  • better (oneself)
  • better (to be) safe than sorry
  • Better be an old man's darling than a young man's slave
  • better be going
  • Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion
  • better dead than red
  • better fish to fry
  • better get moving
  • better get on my horse
  • better get used to it
  • better half
  • better half, my
  • Better keep still about it
  • Better late than never
  • better left unsaid
  • better luck next time
  • better mousetrap, (if one can) build a
  • better of
  • better off
  • better off than (someone)
  • Better safe than sorry
  • better than
  • better than nothing
  • better than sex
  • better the devil you know
  • better the devil you know than the devil you don't
  • better the devil you know than the devil you don't know
  • better the devil you know than the one you don't know
  • better things to do
  • better you than me
  • build a better mousetrap
  • change for the better
  • could be better
  • couldn't be better
  • deserve better from
  • deserve better from (someone or something)
  • devil you know is better than the devil you don't know, the
  • Discretion is the better part of valor
  • discretion is the better part of valour
  • do (one) one better
  • do better to (do something)
  • do better to do something
  • easier said than done
  • elders and betters
  • even better
  • Example is better than precept
  • fish to fry, to have better/bigger/other
  • for better or (for) worse
  • for better or for worse
  • for better or worse
  • for the better
  • for want of a better word
  • Foresight is better than hindsight.
  • get better
  • get the better of
  • get the better of (someone or something)
  • get the better of somebody/something
  • go on to a better land
  • go one better
  • go one better (than someone or something)
  • go you one better
  • had better
  • had better (do something)
  • had better/best do something
  • half a loaf is better than no bread
  • half a loaf is better than no loaf
  • Half a loaf is better than none
  • half a loaf is better than none/no bread
  • have known better days
  • have seen better days
  • have seen/known better days
  • have the better of (someone or something)
  • heaps (something)
  • heaps better, more, older, etc.
  • is better than nothing
  • It is better to be born lucky than rich
  • it is better to give than to receive
  • It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive
  • It is better to wear out than to rust out
  • it's better to ask forgiveness than permission
  • I've seen better
  • I've seen better heads on nickel beers
  • kiss (something) better
  • kiss something better
  • know better
  • know better than
  • less said , the better
  • little better than
  • little/no better than
  • make a better door than a window
  • make a better fist of (something)
  • make a better, good, poor, etc. fist of something
  • make a poor fist of (something)
  • might as well
  • never (been) better
  • never been better
  • never felt better
  • no better than
  • no better than (one) ought to be
  • no better than (one) should be
  • no better than you should be
  • not know (any) better
  • not know any better
  • notch above
  • old enough to know better
  • one’s better half
  • one's better half
  • other fish to fry
  • Prevention is better than cure
  • seen better
  • seen better days
  • seen better days, have
  • seen better days, to have
  • sight better
  • so much the better
  • so much the better/worse
  • sooner the better
  • sooner the better, the
  • take a turn for the better
  • take a turn for the better/worse
  • that's better
  • the better for something
  • the better half of (something)
  • the better of (someone or something)
  • the better part of (something)
  • the better to
  • the better/best part of something
  • the bigger, faster, etc. the better
  • the bigger/faster/etc. the better
  • the half is better than the whole
  • the least said, the better
  • the less said, the better
  • the less/least said, the better
  • the sooner the better
  • the the better
  • think (the) better of (one)
  • think better of
  • think better of it/(something)
  • think better of it/of doing something
  • think better of somebody
  • time to hit the road
  • 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all
  • turn for the better
  • Two heads are better than one
  • You better believe it!
  • You had better believe it!
  • You make a better door than you do a window
  • you('d) better believe it
  • you/you'd better believe it!
  • you'd better believe it
  • your better half
  • your better nature
  • your better/other half
  • your elders and betters
  • your other half



Beta Radiation Trial to Eliminate Restenosis. A trial assessing 32P beta-radiation delivery by the RDX system, which has the radioactive material incorporated into the balloon material.
Low target-vessel revascularisation (TVR) and major adverse cardiac events (MACE).


Cardiology A clinical trial–Beta Radiation Trial to Eliminate Restenosis. See BRITE, In-stent restenosis.


BETTERBuilding Effective Teaching Through Educational Research


Related to better: Better Business Bureau
  • all
  • adv
  • adj
  • verb
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for better

adv to a greater degree


  • to a greater degree
  • more completely
  • more thoroughly

adv in a more excellent manner


  • in a more excellent manner
  • more effectively
  • more attractively
  • more advantageously
  • more competently
  • in a superior way


  • worse

adj well


  • well
  • stronger
  • improving
  • progressing
  • recovering
  • healthier
  • cured
  • mending
  • fitter
  • fully recovered
  • on the mend
  • more healthy
  • less ill


  • worse

adj superior


  • superior
  • finer
  • nicer
  • worthier
  • higher-quality
  • surpassing
  • preferable
  • more appropriate
  • more useful
  • more valuable
  • more suitable
  • more desirable
  • streets ahead
  • more fitting
  • more expert


  • worse
  • lesser
  • inferior
  • substandard

verb beat


  • beat
  • top
  • exceed
  • excel
  • surpass
  • outstrip
  • outdo
  • trump
  • improve on or upon
  • cap

verb improve


  • improve
  • further
  • raise
  • forward
  • reform
  • advance
  • promote
  • correct
  • enhance
  • upgrade
  • amend
  • mend
  • rectify
  • augment
  • ameliorate
  • meliorate


  • lower
  • depress
  • weaken
  • worsen
  • lessen
  • impoverish
  • devaluate

phrase get the better of someone


  • defeat
  • beat
  • surpass
  • triumph over
  • outdo
  • trounce
  • outwit
  • best
  • subjugate
  • prevail over
  • outsmart
  • get the upper hand
  • score off
  • run rings around
  • wipe the floor with
  • make mincemeat of
  • blow out of the water

Synonyms for better

adj of greater excellence than another


  • preferable
  • superior

adj much more than half


  • best
  • greater
  • larger
  • largest
  • most

adv to a greater extent


  • more

noun one who stands above another in rank


  • elder
  • senior
  • superior
  • higher-up

noun a dominating position, as in a conflict


  • advantage
  • bulge
  • draw
  • drop
  • edge
  • superiority
  • upper hand
  • vantage
  • inside track
  • jump

verb to advance to a more desirable state


  • ameliorate
  • amend
  • help
  • improve
  • meliorate
  • upgrade

verb to be greater or better than


  • best
  • exceed
  • excel
  • outdo
  • outmatch
  • outrun
  • outshine
  • outstrip
  • pass
  • surpass
  • top
  • transcend
  • beat

Synonyms for better

noun something superior in quality or condition or effect

Related Words

  • goodness
  • good

noun someone who bets


  • bettor
  • wagerer
  • punter

Related Words

  • taker
  • caller
  • gambler

noun a superior person having claim to precedence

Related Words

  • higher-up
  • superior
  • superordinate

noun the superior one of two alternatives

Related Words

  • goodness
  • good

verb surpass in excellence


  • break

Related Words

  • outdo
  • outgo
  • outmatch
  • outperform
  • outstrip
  • surpass
  • exceed
  • surmount

verb to make better


  • ameliorate
  • improve
  • meliorate
  • amend

Related Words

  • alleviate
  • relieve
  • palliate
  • assuage
  • aid
  • help
  • revitalize
  • regenerate
  • alter
  • change
  • modify
  • enrich
  • build up
  • develop
  • ameliorate
  • improve
  • meliorate
  • better
  • turn around
  • upgrade
  • condition
  • emend
  • iron out
  • put right
  • straighten out
  • enhance
  • fix
  • furbish up
  • mend
  • repair
  • bushel
  • doctor
  • touch on
  • restore
  • reform
  • beautify
  • fancify
  • prettify
  • embellish
  • build
  • perfect
  • hone
  • fine-tune
  • refine
  • polish
  • down
  • distill
  • make pure
  • purify
  • sublimate
  • fructify
  • lift
  • raise
  • advance
  • educate


  • aggravate
  • exacerbate
  • worsen
  • exasperate

verb get better


  • ameliorate
  • improve
  • meliorate

Related Words

  • convalesce
  • recover
  • recuperate
  • heal
  • change state
  • turn
  • see the light
  • straighten out
  • reform
  • surge
  • turn around
  • pick up
  • ameliorate
  • improve
  • meliorate
  • amend
  • better
  • bounce back
  • get well
  • get over
  • mend
  • fructify
  • upgrade


  • decline
  • worsen

adj (comparative of 'good') superior to another (of the same class or set or kind) in excellence or quality or desirability or suitability

Related Words

  • comparative
  • comparative degree


  • worse

adj (comparative of 'good') changed for the better in health or fitness

Related Words

  • comparative
  • comparative degree


  • worsened
  • worse

adj (comparative and superlative of 'well') wiser or more advantageous and hence advisable


  • best

Related Words

  • comparative
  • comparative degree
  • advisable

adj more than half

Related Words

  • major

adv from a position of superiority or authority


  • best




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