Acronym | Definition |
SFN➣Society For Neuroscience |
SFN➣Sistema Financeiro Nacional (Portuguese: National Financial System; Brazil) |
SFN➣Single Frequency Network |
SFN➣Site File Name |
SFN➣Services for Netware |
SFN➣Short File Name |
SFN➣Soccer Fans Network (website) |
SFN➣Short File Name (eight legal characters and a period) |
SFN➣Stratifin |
SFN➣Société Française de Nutrition (French: French Society of Nutrition; human and animal nutrition research; Paris, France) |
SFN➣Société Française de Neurologie (French: French Society of Neurology) |
SFN➣Stern Fan Network |
SFN➣Server Fruehe Neuzeit (German: Server Early Modern Times) |
SFN➣Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Argentina (Airport Code) |
SFN➣Securian Financial Network (Securian Financial Group; St. Paul, MN) |
SFN➣Something from Nothing |
SFN➣System Frame Number (3GPP) |
SFN➣Switch Fabric Network |
SFN➣Scale-Free Network |
SFN➣Société Française de Numismatique (French: French Society of Numismatics; est. 1865) |
SFN➣Southern Forests Network |
SFN➣Star Formation Newsletter (monthly) |
SFN➣Société Française de Néonatologie (French: French Society of Neonatology; Paris, France) |
SFN➣Ship & Facilities, Navy |
SFN➣State Form Number (North Dakota) |