refeeding syndrome


 [re-fēd´ing] restoration of normal nutrition after a period of fasting or starvation.refeeding syndrome moderate to severe electrolyte and fluid shifts occurring during a period of refeeding; hypophosphatemia is common, and heart failure sometimes occurs.

refeeding syndrome

The tendency to develop dangerous illness usually within four days of resuming normal eating after a prolonged period of starvation. Low insulin production during starvation with breakdown of body fat and protein result in loss of intracellular electrolytes, especially phosphate. The shift to a carbohydrate metabolism causes increased insulin production which stimulates cellular uptake of phosphate from the blood. Low serum phosphate depletes ATP and causes rhabdomyolysis, respiratory and heart failure, hypotension, seizures and death. Monitoring of serum phosphate and intravenous phosphate supplementation are required.