

单词 vsa



mod. vital signs absent: dead. (Hospital jargon.) The intern made a note in the chart: VSA, 10:18 a.m.



Abbrev. for Very Small Array. A close-packed array of 14 small horn-reflector antennas, mounted on a tip-table and operating at frequencies between 26 and 36 GHz. The VSA is designed to make images of the cosmic background radiation on angular scales of about one degree, and is located at the Teide Observatory in Tenerife. The project is a collaboration between MRAO, Jodrell Bank, and the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (Tenerife).



Abbreviation for:
vasospastic angina
vital signs absent
Vital Sign (National Operating Framework targets)
volatile substance abuse


VSAVehicle Stability Assist (Acura)
VSAVoice Stress Analysis
VSAVoluntary System of Accountability (est. 2007; various schools)
VSAVery Special Arts (now Vision, Strength, and Artistic Expression)
VSAVirksomheders Sociale Ansvar (Danish: Corporate Social Responsibility)
VSAVictorinox Swiss Army
VSAVon Schweikert Audio (Riverside, CA)
VSAVermont Statutes Annotated (laws)
VSAVendor Specific Attribute
VSAVirtual System Architecture
VSAVirtual Switch Architecture
VSAVerification Site Approval
VSAVirtual Storage Architecture
VSAVoodoo Scalable Architecture
VSAVisual Studio for Application
VSAVehicle Stability Assistant
VSAVoice Stress Analyzer
VSAVisit Southern Africa (tourism program)
VSAVector Signal Analyzer
VSAVendor-Specific Attribute
VSAVehicle Service Agreement (various companies)
VSAVerein Schweizerischer Archivarinnen (German: Association of Swiss Archivists)
VSAVeterinary Surgeons Act (various locations)
VSAVektan Security Agency (gaming)
VSAViolin Society Of America (Poughkeepsie, NY)
VSAVariable Stability Aircraft
VSAVietnamese Students Association
VSAVoluntary Service Aberdeen (UK)
VSAValue Stream Analysis
VSAVirginia School of the Arts
VSAVirtual Server Architecture
VSAVital Signs Absent
VSAVision, Strength, and Artistic Expression (formerly Very Special Arts)
VSAVasospastic Angina
VSAVoluntary Sector Assembly (UK)
VSAVirtual Speech Agent
VSAVideo Spectral Analysis (imaging technology)
VSAValley Soaring Association (Sacramento, CA)
VSAVisual Soil Assessment
VSAVacuum Society of Australia
VSAVariation Simulation Analysis
VSAVillahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico - Carlos R Perez (Airport Code)
VSAVendor Security Analyst
VSAVirginia Society of Anesthesiologists
VSAVery Substantial Acquisition
VSAVariable Surface Antigen
VSAVolumetric Subtraction Angiography
VSAVeterans Speakers Alliance
VSAVibrating String Accelerometer
VSAVolume Stratification Analysis
VSAVariable Signal Analyzer
VSAVisually Sensitive Area
VSAVictims of the Smiling Ass (fictional support group)
VSAVorschaltarmatur (German: connecting armature)
VSAVolunteer Services Agency
VSAVisible Screen Area
VSAVideo Switch Assembly
VSAVisible Surface Area
VSAVisible Systems Australia Pty Ltd (Perth, WA, Australia)
VSAVariant-Specific Surface Antigen (gene)
VSAVieilles Soupapes d'Artois (French: Old Valves Artois; Artois, France)
VSAVoltage Sag Aggressiveness




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