Acronym | Definition |
VRS➣Video Relay Service (Sprint) |
VRS➣Virginia Retirement System |
VRS➣Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Sieg |
VRS➣Valve Regrind Set (automobile parts) |
VRS➣Variable Reluctance Sensor |
VRS➣Virtual Radar Server (UK) |
VRS➣Virus Respiratoire Syncytial (infections) |
VRS➣Virtual ReScan |
VRS➣Verband Region Stuttgart (German: Stuttgart Region Association; Stuttgart, Germany) |
VRS➣Vocational Rehabilitation Services |
VRS➣Virtual Reference Station (Trimble Navigation Limited; GPS technology) |
VRS➣Virtual Re-Scan |
VRS➣Vertical Removable Section |
VRS➣Video Resource |
VRS➣Virtual Rendering System |
VRS➣Voluntary Retirement Scheme |
VRS➣Visiting Research Student (various locations) |
VRS➣Voice Response System |
VRS➣Verbal Rating Scale (pain assessment) |
VRS➣Vancouver Recital Society |
VRS➣Voice Recognition Software |
VRS➣Variable Returns to Scale |
VRS➣Vojska Republike Srpske (Serbian: Army of the Serbian Republic) |
VRS➣Vortex Ring State |
VRS➣Vapor Recovery System |
VRS➣Vehicle Repair Specialist. |
VRS➣Virtual Rendering System (computer graphics software library) |
VRS➣Voluntary Reporting Scheme (UK; manufactured nanomaterials) |
VRS➣Vehicle Recovery System |
VRS➣Voice Recording System |
VRS➣Virtual Reality Society |
VRS➣Video Recording System |
VRS➣Virtual Reality Simulation |
VRS➣WordPerfect Graphics Driver (file name extension) |
VRS➣Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist |
VRS➣Voluntary Registration Scheme (residential care homes; various locations) |
VRS➣Vehicle Registration System |
VRS➣Air Ferry Service Squadron (US Navy) |
VRS➣Vacuum Resource System (US NASA) |
VRS➣Ferry Command Service Squadron (US Navy) |
VRS➣Verkehrsrechtssammlung (German traffic law court decisions) |
VRS➣Vital Record Specifications (IBM mainframe tape management) |
VRS➣Vehicle Reliability Survey (TrueDelta) |
VRS➣Volume Recognition Sequence (OSTA universal disk format) |
VRS➣Vehicle Restraint System (UK) |
VRS➣Vibration Response Spectrum |
VRS➣Virchow-Robin Space (neurohistology) |
VRS➣Volunteer Reserve System (USAF) |
VRS➣Visionsports Riding Schools (Eagle, Wisconsin) |
VRS➣Visual Ring Signaler |
VRS➣Vancomycin-Resistant Staphylococci |
VRS➣Voice Retrieval System |
VRS➣Vacuum Relief System |
VRS➣Volga Relief Society (Oregon) |
VRS➣Navy Service Squadron (US Navy aviation unit designation used from 1920s to 1950s) |