

V0141500 (vŏl′plān′, vôl′-)intr.v. vol·planed, vol·plan·ing, vol·planes 1. a. To glide toward the earth in an airplane with the engine cut off.b. To glide toward the earth with the engine cut off. Used of an airplane.2. To make one's way or go by gliding.n. The act or an instance of volplaning.
[From French vol plané, gliding flight : vol, flight (from Old French, from voler, to fly; see volley) + plané, gliding, past participle of planer, to glide; see plane3.]


(ˈvɒlpleɪn) vb (intr) (Aeronautics) aviation to glide towards the ground with no engine power



v.i. -planed, -plan•ing, to glide toward the earth in an airplane with no motor power or with the power shut off. [1905–10; < French] vol′plan`ist, n.
volo planato