Bajcsy-Zsilinszky, Endre

Bajcsy-Zsilinszky, Endre


Born June 6, 1886, in Szarvas; died Dec. 24, 1944, in Sopronkühid. Hungarian politician and publicist. Deputy of the state assembly from 1922.

Bajcsy-Zsilinszky was one of the organizers of the National Radical Party (1930). He was the founder of the weekly newspaper Elöörs (1928; since 1933, Srabadság) and later editor of the newspaper Független Magyarország. From 1939 he was a member and one of the leaders of the Smallholders’ Party. He spoke out against the entry of Hungary into the Anti-Comintern Pact and against its participation in the war against the USSR. He was one of the organizers and the president of the Hungarian Antifascist Front (founded in 1944). In November 1944 he headed the military headquarters of the Hungarian front. He was captured by the Nylasists and executed in Sopronkóhid.


Nemzeti radikálizmus. Budapest, 1930.


Kállai, G. A magyar függetlenségi mozgalom, 1939–1945,4th ed. Budapest, 1955.
Lévai, J. A. Hósók hóse . . .! Budapest, 1945.