Volodia Teitelboim
Teitelboim, Volodia
Born Mar. 19, 1916, in Chilián. Chilean public figure and writer. Member of the Communist Party of Chile since 1932.
Teitelboim graduated from the law faculty of the University of Chile in 1938. He became a member of the Political Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party in 1950. He was a member of the Chamber of Deputies from 1961 to 1965 and became a senator in 1965. Teitelboim is the author of the historical study The Dawn of Capitalism and the Conquest of America (1943) and a novel based on events in the history of the Chilean proletariat, Son of Saltpeter (1952). In his novel Seed in the Sand (1957; Russian translation, 1959), he depicted the life of political prisoners in a concentration camp in Pisagua, where he was incarcerated during the dictatorship of González Videla. Teitelboim headed the socioliterary journal Aurora during the 1950’s. His essay on literary history Man and Man (1969) provides a panorama of Russian and Soviet literature.
Poliakovskii, V., and G. Turover. “Roman o zhizni naroda Chili.” Literaturnaiagazeta, Mar. 13,1954.Kuteishchikova, V. N. “Liudi ostaiutsia liud’mi.” Inostrannaia literatura, 1960, no. 7.
Kuteishchikova, V. N. Roman Latinskoi Ameriki v XX veke. Moscow, 1964.