

单词 sf

Seyhi, Sinan

Şeyhi, Sinan


Born 1370’s in Kütahya; died 1422 or 1431 in Dumlupinar. Turkish poet. One of the founders of the secular mathnawi (long narrative poem consisting of rhymed distichs) in medieval Turkish literature.

Şeyhi was educated in medicine in Iran. He was the court physician of Sultan Mahmud I and the pupil and friend of the poet Ahmedi. He was the author of a divan of lyric poems that included ghazals, qasidas, and rubais. He became famous for his narrative poem Khusrau and Shirin, a “reply” to Nizami’s poem of the same name, and for his Book of an Ass, one of the earliest works of medieval Turkish satire. Şeyhi was the first Turkish writer to use aruz, a complex system of versification borrowed from classical Persian poetry.


Garbuzova, V. S. Poety srednevekovoi Turtsii. Leningrad, 1963.
Mashtakova, E. I. Iz istorii satiry i iumora v turetskoi literature. Moscow, 1972. Pages 62–82.
Gibb, E. J. W. A History of Ottoman Poetry, vol. 1. London, 1900. Pages 299–335.
Bombaci, A. Histoire de la littérature turque. Paris, 1968. Page 255.



Symbol for flotation constant.


Abbreviation for flotation constant.


Abbreviation for spontaneous fracture.

Synovial fluid (SF)

A fluid secreted by tissues surrounding the joints that lubricates the joints.Mentioned in: Infectious Arthritis


SFScience Fiction
SFSquare Foot/Feet
SFSource Forge (web site)
SFSan Francisco (California)
SFSmall Forward (basketball)
SFStandard Form
SFSouth Africa
SFState Farm (insurance)
SFSpecial Forces
SFSanta Fe (railroad; Argentina province)
SFStreet Fighter (game)
SFSingle-Family Residential (zoning)
SFSpeculative Fiction
SFSmoke(ing) Fetish
SFSugar Free
SFSix Flags
SFSarasota Florida
SFStrike Force
SFSecurity Forces (USAF)
SFState Fair
SFSEEDS (Supporting Equanimity on Earth and Diversity in the Sacred) Foundation
SFStructured Finance
SFScatter Factor
SFSinn Fein
SFSoldier Front (gaming)
SFSunflower (agriculture)
SFSacrifice Fly (baseball)
SFSeinfeld (TV show)
SFSignificant Figures
SFStarfire (gaming, World of Warcraft)
SFSelle Francais (France)
SFShadow Fiend (gaming)
SFSexually Frustrated
SFSuper Friendly
SFSymptom Free (illnesses)
SFSigmund Freud
SFSuperfund (CERCLA)
SFStifel Financial (St. Louis, MO)
SFSuper Frame
SFSwiss Franc
SFSaturated Fat
SFScale Factor
SFSocialistisk Folkeparti (Danish political party founded 1959)
SFSenior Fellow
SFSpontaneous Fission (radioactive decay)
SFSystem Failure
SFSan Fierro (fictional gaming city, GTA: San Andreas)
SFServer Full
SFSwitchfoot (band)
SFSafety Factor
SFSoldier Field (Chicago, Illinois)
SFSkyfire (Everquest)
SFSpecialty Foods
SFSpecial Form
SFScarlet Fever
SFScuderia Ferrari (Formula 1 racing team)
SFSoft Focus
SFSurface Search Radar
SFSemper Fidelis (US Marine motto; Latin: Always Faithful)
SFSticky Fingers (Rolling Stones album)
SFSingle Frequency
SFSand Filter
SFStar Fox (video game)
SFSynovial Fluid
SFStatus Field (SS7 MTP Layer 2)
SFServer Farm
SFStar Field
SFSenses Fail (band)
SFSpent Fuel
SFSyphon Filter (video game)
SFSentinel's Fate (gaming; EverQuest)
SFSoftball Field
SFSvensk Film (Swedish Film)
SFSecret Friends
SFSpanish Fork
SFSupport Facility
SFScleroderma Foundation
SFScreen Failure (clinical trials)
SFSinking Fund (financial)
SFStructure Fire
SFScouting Force (US DoD)
SFStock Fund
SFSluggy Freelance (webcomic)
SFShining Force (game)
SFStaple Food
SFSlope Factor
SFStatic Firing (US NASA)
SFSplicing Factor
SFSomething Fierce (band)
SFShooting Forward (basketball)
SFSpreading Factor
SFSnoqualmie Falls (Washington)
SFSuomi Finland (Country)
SFSupply Fan
SFSoy Flour
SFSaga Frontier (videogame)
SFShear Force
SFSign Flag
SFSouth Fremont (Fremont, California)
SFShape Factor
SFSecurity Function
SFSincerely and Fraternally
SFSourceforts (gaming)
SFService Feature
SFSustained Fire
SFStar Fury (online game)
SFSignal Frequency
SFSpecial Facility
SFSteel Fiber
SFSupplemental Feeding
SFSpayed Female
SFStakeholder Forum
SFSparks Flew (band)
SFSpace Factor
SFSpace Filler (philately)
SFStrataframe (Microsoft Visual Studio application framework)
SFSliding Filter
SFSerum Ferritin Concentration
SFSherwood Foresters (Infantry Regiment of the British Army)
SFSONICFLOOd (Christian band)
SFSick Freak
SFService & Finance
SFStowage Factor
SFSoy Based Formula
SFStreptomyces Fradiae
SFSimple Formulation
SFStellar Frontier (game)
SFSupreme Fascist (Paul Erdos)
SFScattering Function
SFSteel - Face
SFSketchfu (drawing website)
SFSausage Festival (livejournal community)
SFSlot Flag (computer networking)
SFSound & Flash
SFSpecial Freighter (aircraft type)
SFSubstitute-Free (game theory)
SFSforzando/Sforzato (music)
SFSuomi Filmi (Finnish Film)
SFSavings Factor
SFSpecialförbund (Sweden)
SFShip Fitter
SFSynthetic Forces (US government simulation community)
SFSurvivor Function
SFShadow's Fall (band)
SFSanitary Fair (philately)
SFStable au Feu (French: Reaction to Fire)
SFSource Factor
SFSerendib Foundation for Music & Performing Arts (California)
SFSupplementary Firing
SFSecondary Feeder
SFSpikelet Fertility
SFSynchronization Flag
SFSpeed Freeks (band)
SFShivan Fighter (gaming)
SFSveriges Fotterapeuter (Stockholm, Sweden)
SFSaikou-Fansubs (IRC network)
SFSaikou-Fansubs (anime group)
SFSplashwater Falls (amusement park ride)
SFSpeculative Fiction Canada (aka Science Fiction Canada)
SFSons of the Holy Family (religious order)
SFSurya Foundation (Los Angeles, CA)
SFSandford Flemming building (University of Toronto)
SFSacramental Fusion (band)
SFSiyath Foundation
SFSarana Foundation (Sri Lanka; est. 1991)
SFSaman Foundation (Sri Lanka)
SFSahana Foundation (Sri Lanka)
ThesaurusSeescience fiction




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