

单词 sac



S0005700 (săk, sôk)n. Variant of Sauk.


abbr. Strategic Air Command

sac 1

S0005700 (săk)n. A pouch or pouchlike structure in an organism, sometimes filled with fluid.
[French, bag, from Old French, from Latin saccus; see sack1.]

sac 2

S0005700 (săk)n. Baseball 1. A sacrifice fly. Also called sac fly.2. A sacrifice bunt. Also called sac bunt.


(sæk) n (Biology) a pouch, bag, or pouchlike part in an animal or plant[C18: from French, from Latin saccus; see sack1] ˈsacˌlike adj


(in Britain) abbreviation for (Environmental Science) Special Area of Conservation



n. a baglike structure in an animal, plant, or fungus, esp. one containing fluid. [1735–45; < Latin saccus sack1] sac′like`, adj.


(sæk, sɔk)

n., pl. Sacs, (esp. collectively) Sac. Sauk.


n. Strategic Air Command.


(săk) A bag-like bag in an animal or plant, often containing liquids. The human bladder is a sac.
Noun1.sac - an enclosed spacesac - an enclosed space; "the trapped miners found a pocket of air"pocket, pouch, sackenclosed space, cavity - space that is surrounded by something
2.sac - a case or sheath especially a pollen sac or moss capsulethecacovering, natural covering, cover - a natural object that covers or envelops; "under a covering of dust"; "the fox was flushed from its cover"
3.sac - a member of the Algonquian people formerly living in Wisconsin in the Fox River valley and on the shores of Green BaySac - a member of the Algonquian people formerly living in Wisconsin in the Fox River valley and on the shores of Green BaySaukAlgonquian, Algonquin - a member of any of the North American Indian groups speaking an Algonquian language and originally living in the subarctic regions of eastern Canada; many Algonquian tribes migrated south into the woodlands from the Mississippi River to the Atlantic coast
4.sac - a structure resembling a bag in an animalyolk sac - membranous structure enclosing the yolk of eggs in birds, reptiles, marsupials, and some fishes; circulates nutrients to the developing embryoumbilical vesicle, vesicula umbilicus, vitelline sac, yolk sac - membranous structure that functions as the circulatory system in mammalian embryos until the heart becomes functionalamnion, amnios, amniotic sac - thin innermost membranous sac enclosing the developing embryo of higher vertebrates (reptiles, birds and mammals)chorion - the outermost membranous sac enclosing the embryo in higher vertebrates (reptiles, birds and mammals)coelenteron - the saclike body cavity of a coelenterateair bladder, swim bladder, float - an air-filled sac near the spinal column in many fishes that helps maintain buoyancyair sac - any of the membranous air-filled extensions of the lungs of birdsair sac - any of the thin-walled extensions of the tracheae of insectsbodily cavity, cavum, cavity - (anatomy) a natural hollow or sinus within the bodysaccule, sacculus - a small sac or pouch (especially the smaller chamber of the membranous labyrinth)bladder, vesica - a distensible membranous sac (usually containing liquid or gas)acinus - one of the small sacs or saclike dilations in a compound glandbursa - a small fluid-filled sac located between movable parts of the body especially at jointscistern, cisterna - a sac or cavity containing fluid especially lymph or cerebrospinal fluidpouch, pocket - (anatomy) saclike structure in any of various animals (as a marsupial or gopher or pelican)vesicle, cyst - a small anatomically normal sac or bladderlike structure (especially one containing fluid)air cell, air sac, alveolus - a tiny sac for holding air in the lungs; formed by the terminal dilation of tiny air passagewayspericardial sac - the membrane surrounding the heart


noun pouch, bag, pocket, bladder, pod, cyst, bursa, vesicle The lungs consist of millions of tiny air sacs.



see Sac and FoxSac and Fox,
closely related Native Americans of the Algonquian branch of the Algonquian-Wakashan linguistic stock (see Native American languages). Sac and Fox culture was of the Eastern Woodlands area with some Plains-area traits (see under Natives, North American).
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[sak] (biology) A soft-walled cavity within a plant or animal, often containing a special fluid and usually having a narrow opening or none at all. (mapping) Indentation in the contour lines of equal depth showing submarine relief.


a pouch, bag, or pouchlike part in an animal or plant


1. An early system on the Datatron 200 series.

[Listed in CACM 2(5):16 (May 1959)].



 [sak] a baglike organ or structure; see also bag, pocket, and pouch.air s's (alveolar s's) the spaces into which the alveolar ducts open distally, and with which the alveoli communicate; see also lung" >lung.amniotic sac the sac formed by the amnion, enclosing the fetus suspended in amniotic fluid; popularly known as the bag of waters.conjunctival sac the potential space, lined by conjunctiva, between the eyelids and the eyeball.endolymphatic sac the blind, flattened cerebral end of the endolymphatic duct.hernial sac the peritoneal pouch that encloses protruding intestine.lacrimal sac the dilated upper end of the nasolacrimal duct; see also lacrimal apparatus.yolk sac the extraembryonic membrane connected with the midgut; in vertebrates below true mammals, it contains a yolk mass.Yolk sac in a developing embryo. From Applegate, 2000.


(sak), Do not confuse this word with sack.1. A pouch or bursa.
See also: sacculus. Synonym(s): saccus
2. An encysted abscess at the root of a tooth. 3. The capsule of a tumor, or envelope of a cyst. [L. saccus, a bag]


(săk)n. A pouch or pouchlike structure in an organism, sometimes filled with fluid.


A pouch or other enclosed anatomic structure.


Abbreviation for:
seasonal acute conjunctivitis
serous adenocarcinoma
Sexual Addiction and Compulsion
Specialty Advisory Committee, see there 
splinting for acute closure
standardised assessment of concussion
stoma appliance customisation
substance abuse counsellor


Medtalk A pouch or other enclosed structure. See Alveolar sac, Gestational sac, Pouch, Yolk sac.


(sak) 1. A pouch or bursa.
Synonym(s): saccus [TA] .
2. An encysted abscess at the root of a tooth. 3. The capsule of a tumor, or envelope of a cyst.
See also: sacculus
[L. saccus, a bag]


Any bag-like organ or body structure.


a bag-like or pouched structure.


(sak) 1. Encysted abscess at the root of a tooth. 2. Pouch or bursa. 3. Capsule of a tumor, or envelope of a cyst. [L. saccus, a bag]

Patient discussion about sac

Q. what does it mean when an ultrasound shows an empty amniotic sac and no baby? A. This exact thing happened with my friend who is now 22 weeks with her first baby. She had 2 additional sacs - both empty - and the doctor said that the pregnancy had probably started out as triplets but that only one of the embryos had actually established and continued to grow.
Her doctor said it is very common for a woman to have more than one egg fertilize but that in most cases the pregnancy continues as a singleton only. She told my friend that the empty sacs would just disappear through time (which they did) and that they posed no danger to her baby.

More discussions about sac


SACStrategic Air Command (now United States Strategic Command)
SACStudent Activities Center
SACSymposium on Applied Computing (ACM Symposium)
SACService à la Clientèle (French: Customer Service)
SACSan Antonio College (TX, USA)
SACSchool Advisory Council
SACSouth Atlantic Conference
SACSanta Ana College (California)
SACScottish Agricultural College (UK)
SACStudent Activities Council
SACStand Alone Complex (Ghost in the Shell anime)
SACSooner Athletic Conference (NAIA)
SACStudent Activities Committee
SACSt. Andrew's College (Ontario, Canada)
SACSpecial Area of Conservation (land designation)
SACScientific Advisory Committee
SACStudent Assistance Corporation (Wilkes Barre, PA)
SACSpecial Agent in Charge
SACSociety of Arts and Crafts (Boston, MA)
SACStudent Advisory Council
SACSanctuary Advisory Council
SACServicio de Atención al Cliente (Spanish: Customer Service)
SACSupreme Allied Commander
SACState Athletic Commission (various locations)
SACSchool-Age Care
SACSecurity Access Control (software)
SACSchweizer Alpen Club (German: Swiss Alps Club)
SACSouth Austin Campus (Austin, TX)
SACServiço de Atendimento Ao Cliente (Brazil)
SACShenyang Aircraft Corporation (China)
SACSexual Assault Coalition (various locations)
SACSelf-Assessment Checklist (various organizations)
SACStudent Assistance Center (various schools)
SACSummer Art Camp (various organizations)
SACScience Advisory Committee
SACSolar Activity Cycle (astronomy)
SACStrategic Airlift Capability (multinational initiative)
SACSuperior Art Creations
SACSafety Awareness Campaign (various organizations)
SACStandardization Administration of China
SACSouth Ayrshire Council (UK)
SACSchool Accountability Committee (Colorado)
SACStupid Auto Correct
SACScottish Arts Council (UK)
SACStatistical Analysis Center
SACStand Alone Computer
SACSpecial Analog Computer
SACService Access Controller
SACSymposium on Applied Computing
SACSelected Areas in Cryptography
SACStorage Access Control
SACSpecial Access Code
SACSoftware Adaptive Cache
SACServing Area Concept
SACSystem Architecture Council
SACSemi Automatic Coding
SACStorage Access Counter
SACStand Alone Client
SACSequential Advanced Control
SACSurface Approximation Criteria
SACSports Activity Coupe
SACSet Associative Cache
SACSpecial Administration Console
SACSingle Attachment Concentrator
SACSingle Address Code
SACSecurity Access Code
SACStorage Access Channel
SACSyrian American Council (est. 2005)
SACSouth African Conference (sports)
SACStudent Affairs Coordinator (various schools)
SACSwiss Alpine Club
SACShenandoah Area Council (Winchester, VA)
SACStop AIDS Campaign (UK)
SACSoftball All-Conference (various schools)
SACSimple API for CSS
SACSocial Action Community (various organizations)
SACSongwriters Association of Canada (Toronto, ON, Canada)
SACSenate Appropriations Committee (US)
SACStudent Association Council (various organizations)
SACScientific Advisory Council
SACSpace Applications Centre
SACSame As Cash
SACSn/Ag/Cu (Tin/Silver/Copper alloy)
SACSouthern Alberta Chapter (Alberta, Canada)
SACSteep and Cheap
SACSubscriber Acquisition Cost
SACSveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation (Swedish)
SACsecond amended complaint (legal)
SACState Aid Commission (various locations)
SACStudent Affiliate Chapter (various schools)
SACStudent Awards Committee (various locations)
SACSet Associative Cache (computing)
SACStudy Abroad Center (various schools)
SACState Advisory Council
SACSport Activity Coupe (BMW)
SACSoaring Association of Canada
SACSecond Amended Consolidated (class action lawsuits)
SACSaguaro Astronomy Club (Arizona)
SACStrict Avalanche Criterion
SACSingapore Association for Counselling
SACService Access Code
SACSenior Aircraftman (Royal Air Force rank)
SACSt Andrew's Cathedral (Singapore)
SACSafety Advisory Committee
SACStonebridge Associated Colleges (Bude, Cornwall, England)
SACSpecialist Advisory Committee
SACStudent Advice Centre (various organizations)
SACSealed Air Corporation
SACStructural Adjustment Credit (World Bank preferential loan for restructuring program)
SACSeismic Analysis Code
SACSmall Animal Clinic
SACSeasonal Allergic Conjunctivitis
SACSociety of American Foresters
SACStandards and Accreditation Committee (various organizations)
SACSecurities Association of China (est. 1991)
SACSubstrate-Assisted Catalysis
SACSite Advisory Committee
SACStrong Acid Cation
SACSouthern Air Command
SACSouthern AIDS Coalition (Birmingham, AL)
SACService Availability Charge (various locations)
SACSports Affairs Council (Taiwan)
SACStudent Administrative Council
SACSport, Arts and Culture (various locations)
SACStudent Assistance Counselor
SACSurface Air Consumption (SCUBA diving)
SACSpecial Area for Conservation
SACSpeaking across the Curriculum (various schools)
SACSacatepéquez (Guatemala, territorial division)
SACSaint Aloysius College (various countries)
SACSpace Allocation Committee (various schools)
SACSenior Arts Council (Chattanooga, TN)
SACScalable Audio Coding
SACStudent Advisement Center (various schools)
SACStandards Advisory Committee
SACSt. Anthony's College (San Jose, Antique, Philippines)
SACSexual Assault Centre (University of Aberta, Canada)
SACStaphylococcus Aureus Cowan
SACSenior Advisory Council
SACSingle Attachment Concentrator (FDDI)
SACSacagawea dollar coin
SACSchool Assessed Coursework
SACSafe Area of Computation
SACSurface Air Consumption (diving term for gas consumption at 1ATM)
SACSpace Activities Commission
SACSpace Applications Center (India)
SACSun Angle Calculator
SACSemi-Anechoic Chamber
SACSpecial Advisory Committee
SACSpecial Area Code
SACSpring Arbor College (Michigan, USA)
SACSymmetry Adapted Cluster
SACStudent Artist Competition (US Department of Education)
SACSummit Athletic Conference (Fort Wayne, IN, USA)
SACSelf-Aligned Contact
SACSavannah Air Center (Georgia)
SACStatewide Advocacy Council (various organizations)
SACSpectral Absorption Coefficient
SACSecure Access Central (blog)
SACSociety for the Advancement of Consulting (East Greenwich, RI)
SACSafer Auckland City (New Zealand)
SACSocial Affairs Committee (university organization; various locations)
SACSign Association of Canada (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
SACShuttle Action Center (US NASA)
SACSentencing Advisory Council (Victoria, Australia)
SACSmall Agency Council
SACSyariah Advisory Council (Malaysia)
SACSingle Annular Combustor
SACServicio de Atención al Consumidor (Spanish)
SACSubscription Acquisition Cost (service payment model)
SACShort Arm Cast (cast that extends from the knuckles to just below the elbow)
SACStatements of Accounting Concepts
SACSchweizer Aircraft Corporation (Elmira, NY)
SACSignatory Agency Committee (Washington)
SACSoup and Crackers
SACSubject Advisory Committee
SACSenior Agent in Charge
SACShakespeare Authorship Coalition
SACSecure Authenticated Channel
SACSatellite de Aplicaciones Cientificas
SACSpringfield Area Curriculum (Missouri)
SACSocial Action Contact (various organizations)
SACSecond Axial Carrier
SACSenior Acquisition Course
SACSeniors Advisory Committee (Windsor, ON, Canada)
SACSingapore Adventurers' Club (Singapore)
SACSectional Aeronautical Chart (VFR chart for pilots)
SACStores Account Code
SACSunset Athletic Club
SACSupporting Arms Coordinator
SACSaving and Credit (program)
SACSan Antonio Aguas Calientes (Guatemala)
SACSpecial Abilities Cluster (education)
SACStudent Association Committee
SACSuper Awesome Cool
SACSupplier Assurance Contract
SACSimplified Access Control
SACSingle Axis Cane
SACSolar Array Carrier
SACSecret Agent Clan (gaming group)
SACSEAOC ATC CUREe (steel project)
SACSubscriber Access Control
SACSexual Assault Counsellor
SACSikorsky Aircraft Company
SACSite Activation Command
SACStandard Aircraft Characteristics
SACSupport Aviation Company
SACSorry Ass Clan (gaming clan)
SACSaskatchewan Action Committee (women's rights group; Canada)
SACStrategic Analysis Corporation
SACSkoda-Amical-Club (French: Skoda-Friendly Club; online forum)
SACScene-Of-Action Commander
SACShort Access Code
SACStart Air Compressor
SACSatellite Access Controller
SACScottish Automobile Club
SACStamford Athletic Club (Connecticut)
SACSuspended and Canceled Pesticides
SACShipbuilding Association of Canada (Association de la Construction Navale du Canada)
SACSulfuric Acid Concentrate
SACSiblings and Adult Children
SACSurface Aggregate Classification (Texas Department of Transportation)
SACService Application Code
SACSystematic Authentication Code
SACSingle Agency Check
SACScience Application Computer
SACsixth amended complaint (legal)
SACSecondary Alternative Center (Harlingen, TX)
SACSystem Auxiliary Computer
SACSteel Advisory Committee
SACScoot A Cheek (make space for someone to sit)
SACStandard Asset Customer
SACService d'Aide aux Consommateurs de Shawinigan (French: Service for Consumer Assistance of Shawinigan; Canada)
SACSystems Automation Course
SACSociety of Aerospace Communicators
SACSoftware Advisory Channel
SACSpecial Assignment Classroom
SACShelby American Inc. (car manufacturer)
SACSacramento, California - Executive (airport code)
SACScriptomatic Addressing Computer
SACSociety of Catholic Apostolate, Pallotines (religious order)
SACStrict Access Criterion
SACSisters of the Guardian Angel (religious order)
SACSurface Active Component (Drilling Mud Agents)
SACSurface Aviation Conference
SACSite Access Computer (Sprint)
SACSprint Attended Conferencing
SACSummary Alarm Contacts (Ciena)
SACSales Acquisition Cost
SACStore And Clear Accumulator
SACSMS Administration Center (Bellcore)
SACSupply Administration Center
SACSpecial Agricultural Committee (UK)
SACSuggestion Award Committee
SACSynchronous to ATM Conversion (AT&T)
SACSubordinate Area Commander
SACSlovak American Club
SACStorage Access Channel/Control
SACSelective Area Coating
SACSystem Architecture Concept
SACSociété Anonyme Commerciale
SACSt. Augustine Cruisers (Florida)
SACSubnet Access Controller
SACStandard Activity Category
SACSupreme Antiquities Council
SACSystem Automation and Control
SACShanghai Agriculture Commission
SACSupply Availability Card
SACSubstance Abuse Council/Counselor
SACSubaru Azur Club (French car club)
SACStarship Avalon Continuities (online roleplay guild)
SACSwedish Afghan Committee


  • noun

Synonyms for sac

noun pouch


  • pouch
  • bag
  • pocket
  • bladder
  • pod
  • cyst
  • bursa
  • vesicle

Synonyms for sac

noun an enclosed space


  • pocket
  • pouch
  • sack

Related Words

  • enclosed space
  • cavity

noun a case or sheath especially a pollen sac or moss capsule


  • theca

Related Words

  • covering
  • natural covering
  • cover

noun a member of the Algonquian people formerly living in Wisconsin in the Fox River valley and on the shores of Green Bay


  • Sauk

Related Words

  • Algonquian
  • Algonquin

noun a structure resembling a bag in an animal

Related Words

  • yolk sac
  • umbilical vesicle
  • vesicula umbilicus
  • vitelline sac
  • amnion
  • amnios
  • amniotic sac
  • chorion
  • coelenteron
  • air bladder
  • swim bladder
  • float
  • air sac
  • bodily cavity
  • cavum
  • cavity
  • saccule
  • sacculus
  • bladder
  • vesica
  • acinus
  • bursa
  • cistern
  • cisterna
  • pouch
  • pocket
  • vesicle
  • cyst
  • air cell
  • alveolus
  • pericardial sac




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