Reed Bingham State Park

Reed Bingham State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Georgia
Location:6 miles west of Adel on GA 37, via I-75 exit 39.
Facilities:46 tent/trailer/RV campsites, pioneer campground, 6 picnic shelters, 4group shelters, hiking trails (4 miles), lake, swimming beach, 3 boatramps, fishing pier (é), canoe rental, dock and boat rental, bicyclerental, playground, miniature golf course.
Activities:Camping, boating, canoeing, fishing (including competitions), swimming, water-skiing, hiking, bicycling, birding.
Special Features:Park surrounds a 375-acre lake and is a majorboating and water skiing attraction in south Georgia. It is also the largest wintervulture roost in Georgia, with thousands of black vultures and turkeyvultures arriving there each November and staying through early April.
Address:542 Reed Bingham Rd
Adel, GA 31620

Size: 1,613 acres.

See other parks in Georgia.