Acronym | Definition |
REE➣Rare Earth Element(s) |
REE➣Resting Energy Expenditure |
REE➣Registered Electrical Engineer (certification; Philippines) |
REE➣Reed City (Amtrak station code; Reed City, MI) |
REE➣Red Eléctrica de España |
REE➣Rapid Execution Engine |
REE➣Red Electrica Española (Spanish poser company) |
REE➣Research, Education, and Economics |
REE➣Radio Exterior de España (Madrid, Spain) |
REE➣Real Estate Exchange |
REE➣Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique (French: Review of Electricity and Electronics; journal) |
REE➣Roundtable on Entrepreneurship Education |
REE➣Remote Exploration and Experimentation |
REE➣Répertoire des Entreprises et des Etablissements (French: Directory of Companies and Establishments) |
REE➣Research Enterprise Engagement (UK) |
REE➣Requirements Engineering Environment |
REE➣Réseau Education Environnement (French: Network Education Environment) |
REE➣Rational Emotive Education |
REE➣Reduced Enamel Epithelium |
REE➣Responsible Equipment Engineer |
REE➣Rails Europ Express (French model railroad company) |
REE➣Reconstruction Economique Europeen |
REE➣Réseau Europeen pour l'Emploi (French: European Network for Employment) |