

V0141100 (vŏl′ē)n. pl. vol·leys 1. a. A simultaneous discharge of a number of bullets or other projectiles.b. The bullets or projectiles so discharged.2. A group of remarks, expressions, or actions directed toward a certain recipient or audience: a volley of oaths; a volley of laughter.3. Sports a. An exchange of strokes in a court game, such as volleyball, ending when one side fails to make a good return and resulting in a point or the loss of service.b. A stroke, kick, or other strike of the ball made before the ball touches the ground.c. The flight of a ball before it touches the ground: kicked the soccer ball on the volley.v. vol·leyed, vol·ley·ing, vol·leys v.tr.1. To discharge (projectiles) in a volley: volleyed musket shots at the attackers.2. Sports To strike (a tennis ball, for example) before it touches the ground.3. To direct or send in a mass or series: volleyed insults at each other.v.intr.1. To be discharged in a volley.2. Sports To make a volley, especially in tennis.3. To move or be directed rapidly, forcefully, or loudly in a mass or series: The hailstones volleyed down. Charges and countercharges volleyed through the courtroom.
[French volée, from Old French, from voler, to fly, from Latin volāre.]
vol′ley·er n.


Kicking a ball when it is in the air.