

单词 sexually transmitted disease

sexually transmitted disease

sexually transmitted disease

n. Abbr. STD Any of various diseases, including AIDS, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, that are usually contracted through sexual intercourse or other intimate sexual contact. Also called sexually transmitted infection.

sex′ually transmit′ted disease′

n. any disease characteristically transmitted by sexual contact, as gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, and chlamydia. Abbr.: STD Also called venereal disease.

sex·u·al·ly transmitted disease

(sĕk′sho͞o-ə-lē) Any of various diseases, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, that are transmitted through sexual intercourse or other intimate sexual contact. Also called venereal disease.

sexually transmitted disease

(STD) Any disease (also called venereal disease) that is spread primarily through sexual intercourse. STDs include gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, genital warts, and genital herpes.
Noun1.sexually transmitted disease - a communicable infection transmitted by sexual intercourse or genital contactsocial disease, STD, VD, venereal disease, venereal infection, Venus's curse, Cupid's disease, Cupid's itch, dosecontagion, contagious disease - any disease easily transmitted by contactgenital herpes, herpes genitalis - an infection caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) that is usually transmitted by sexual contact; marked by recurrent attacks of painful eruptions on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital areagonorrhea, gonorrhoea, clap - a common venereal disease caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae; symptoms are painful urination and pain around the urethragranuloma inguinale, granuloma venereum - a venereal disease caused by a bacterium of the genus Calymmatobacterium; characterized by a pimply rash of the skin in the genital and groin regionlues, lues venerea, pox, syph, syphilis - a common venereal disease caused by the treponema pallidum spirochete; symptoms change through progressive stages; can be congenital (transmitted through the placenta)LGV, lymphogranuloma venereum, lymphopathia venereum - infectious disease caused by a species of chlamydia bacterium; transmitted by sexual contact; characterized by genital lesions and swelling of lymph nodes in the groinchlamydia - a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria of the genus Chlamydia

sexually transmitted disease

sexually transmitted disease

(STD) or

venereal disease,

term for infections acquired mainly through sexual contact. Five diseases were traditionally known as venereal diseases: gonorrheagonorrhea
, common infectious disease caused by a bacterium (Neisseria gonorrhoeae), involving chiefly the mucous membranes of the genitourinary tract. It may occasionally spread to membranes in other parts of the body, especially those of the joints and the eyes.
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, syphilissyphilis
, contagious sexually transmitted disease caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum (described by Fritz Schaudinn and Erich Hoffmann in 1905). Syphilis was not widely recognized until an epidemic in Europe at the end of the 15th cent.
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, and the less common granuloma inguinale, lymphogranuloma venereum, and chancroid. In the 1960s up to 20 other diseases were recognized as being transmitted by sexual contact, and the term "sexually transmitted disease" came into use. Some of the more common of these are AIDSAIDS
or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,
fatal disease caused by a rapidly mutating retrovirus that attacks the immune system and leaves the victim vulnerable to infections, malignancies, and neurological disorders. It was first recognized as a disease in 1981.
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, genital herpes (see herpes simplexherpes simplex
, an acute viral infection of the skin characterized by one or more painful, itching blisters filled with clear fluid. It is caused by either of two herpes simplex viruses: Type 1, herpes labialis,
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), chlamydiachlamydia
, genus of microorganisms that cause a variety of diseases in humans and other animals. Psittacosis, or parrot fever, caused by the species Chlamydia psittaci, is transmitted to people by birds, particularly parrots, parakeets, and lovebirds.
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, and human papillomavirushuman papillomavirus
(HPV), any of a family of more than 100 viruses that cause various growths, including plantar warts and genital warts, a sexually transmitted disease. Genital warts, sometimes called condylomata acuminata, are soft and often occur in clusters.
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. Other diseases or infestations that can be transmitted sexually include giardiasisgiardiasis
, infection of the small intestine by a protozoan, Giardia lamblia. Giardia, which was named after Alfred M. Giard, a French biologist, is spread via the fecal-oral route, most commonly by eating food contaminated by the unwashed hands of an infected
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, amebiasis, scabiesscabies
, highly contagious parasitic skin disease caused by the itch mite (Sarcoptes scabiei). The disease is also known as itch. It is acquired through close contact with an infested individual or contaminated clothing and is most prevalent among those living in crowded
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, pubic "crab" lice (see louselouse,
common name for members of either of two distinct orders of wingless, parasitic, disease-carrying insects. Lice of both groups are small and flattened with short legs adapted for clinging to the host.
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), hepatitishepatitis
, inflammation of the liver. There are many types of hepatitis. Causes include viruses, toxic chemicals, alcohol consumption, parasites and bacteria, and certain drugs.
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 (A, B, and C), group B streptococcal infections (see streptococcusstreptococcus
, any of a group of gram-positive bacteria, genus Streptococcus, some of which cause disease. Streptococci are spherical and divide by fission, but they remain attached and so grow in beadlike chains.
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), cytomegalovirus infection, and the protozoan infection trichomoniasistrichomoniasis
, sexually transmitted disease caused by the parasitic protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis. In women, it can cause urinary tract infection and a painful, malodorous vaginitis marked by a thin, foamy, irritating discharge.
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STDs are generally graver in women, in whom diagnosis is often more difficult and treatment less available than for men; untreated they can lead to infertility or cause miscarriage, premature birth, or infection of the newborn. In some instances two or more infections may be present concurrently. The spread of sexually transmitted AIDS increased dramatically during the 1980s and continued through the 1990s. Other STDs are often seen in tandem with AIDS, partly because open sores that they produce can provide an easy route for the AIDS virus to enter the body. In the 2007 it was estimated that 19 million new cases of STDs were contracted in the United States each year.

Granuloma inguinale is caused by Calymmatobacterium granulomatis and is common in tropical and subtropical regions. Early lesions appear as painless, red, open sores on the skin of the genital and pelvic regions, succeeded by a spreading ulceration of the tissues. If not treated, the condition becomes chronic and may lead to death through anemia and general debility. Antibiotics such as tetracycline can eliminate the infection.

Lymphogranuloma venereum, also common in tropical and subtropical regions, is caused by a strain of Chlamydia trachomatis, an organism classified as a bacterium but having some viral characteristics. The primary genital lesion is often overlooked. The lymphatic structures about the pelvic and rectal region then become involved; blockage of such structures may cause disfigurement and scarring of external genitals. Fever and headache are other constitutional symptoms. Severe involvement of the rectal mucosa may cause intestinal obstruction or stricture. Tetracycline is the drug of choice, although other antibiotics are effective.

Chancroid is an acute localized infection caused by a bacterium called Hemophilus ducreyi. It can result in painful ulcerations of the skin, usually in the groin. In women symptoms may be absent or limited to painful urination, defecation, or intercourse. Involvement of the lymph nodes occurs in more than half the cases. Usually the disease is self-limited, but it may cause severe destruction of tissue. Antibiotics have been effective in treatment, but resistant strains are an increasing problem.

In order to reduce ignorance and thereby decrease the risk of venereal infection, the U.S. government just before and after World War II encouraged publicity on the matter, for the taboo long associated with public discussion of these contagious diseases had given rise to serious public-health problems. A nationwide campaign was initiated in 1937 by Thomas Parran, then serving as U.S. surgeon general, to educate the public about the incidence, cause, and cure of venereal diseases. As a result, the number of new cases in the United States steadily declined each year until the 1950s, when a rise was noted, especially among teenagers and young adults. In 1998, concerned by high U.S. rates of such common STDs as human papillomavirus, genital herpes, and chlamydia, as well as local outbreaks of syphilis and gonorrhea, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began a new far-reaching campaign to combat STDs.

Public authorities and private agencies coordinate their efforts to identify and isolate promptly all sources of infection. Worldwide, despite advances in diagnosis and treatment, the incidence of STDs has continued to rise and has reached epidemic proportions in many countries. Among the factors believed responsible for increases are changes in sexual behavior (e.g., the use of oral contraceptives), the emergence of drug-resistant strains, symptomless carriers, a highly mobile population, lack of public education, and the reluctance of patients to seek treatment.


See T. Rosebury, Microbes and Morals (1971); K. L. Jones et al., VD (1974); J. Jacobson, Women's Reproductive Health (1991).

sexually transmitted disease

[′sek·shə·lē trans′mid·əd di′zēz] (medicine) An infection acquired and transmitted primarily by sexual contact. Abbreviated STD.

sexually transmitted disease

sexually transmitted disease

 (STD) one that can be transmitted by means of sexual intercourse or by intimate contact with the genitals, mouth, or rectum. Called also venereal disease. Within this category are what are termed the five “classic venereal diseases” of gonorrhea, syphilis, chancroid, lymphogranuloma venereum, and granuloma inguinale, as well as chlamydia infections, herpes" >genital herpes, nonspecific urethritis, trichomoniasis, pediculosis pubis, scabies, venereal warts, hepatitis b, molluscum contagiosum, and vaginitis caused by either Corynebacterium vaginale or Haemophilus vaginalis. While sexual transmission is the only important means of spreading some of these diseases, others such as hepatitis can also be acquired by nonsexual means.

sex·u·al·ly trans·mit·ted dis·ease (STD),

any contagious disease acquired during sexual contact (for example, syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid). Synonym(s): venereal disease

sexually transmitted disease

n. Abbr. STD Any of various diseases, including AIDS, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, that are usually contracted through sexual intercourse or other intimate sexual contact. Also called sexually transmitted infection.
Any infection or tumour acquired by direct genital and orogenital contact
Risk factors Multiple sexual partners, history of STD or sexual partner with STD; male sexual partners of women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), cervical condylomas, condyloma acuminatum or variants of IN

sexually transmitted disease

Venereal disease Any infection or tumor acquired by direct genital and orogenital contact; most common STD agents in US: Chlamydia trachomatis 3-5 million; HSV-2, 2-3 million; N gonorrhoeae, 720,000/25,300 penicillin-resistant; T pallidum/2º syphilis, 40,117 STD agents-bacterial C trachomatis, Mycoplasma hominis, N gonorrhoeae, streptococcal spp, Ureaplasma urealyticum STD agents-Viral EBV, HBV, HIV-1, HIV-2, HPV, HSV Others Trichomonas vaginalis, pubic lice, scabies Sexually-transmitted neoplasms Intraepithelial neoplasia–IN, SCC of cervix, penis, and anus often arise in HPV infection; HPV 16 and 33 are implicated in penile IN; HPV 16 and 18 in CIN; HPV 6, 11 and 42 in condyloma acuminata Sexually transmitted disease Agent/disease Incidence Prevalence Chlamydia 3 million 2 million Trichomoniasis 5 million N/A HPV 5.5 million 20 million PID 1,000,000 Gonorrhea 650,000 N/A Herpes 1 million 45 million Syphilis 70,000 N/A Cong syphilis 3,400 AIDS 80,000 Hepatitis B 120,000 417,000 Chancroid 3,500 N/A Not available; new STD agents HPV–1976, HTLV-I & Mobiluncus spp–1980, Mycoplasma hominis–1981, HTLV-II–1982, HIV-1–1983, HIV-2–1986, HHV-8–1995 AMN 3/2/97, p13 www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIHW000/ 8799/9154/360682.html?d=dmtContent

sex·u·al·ly trans·mit·ted dis·ease

(STD) (sek'shū-ă-lē tranz-mit'ĕd di-zēz') Any contagious disease acquired through sexual contact (e.g., syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid, genital warts, AIDS).
Synonym(s): sexually transmitted infection, venereal disease.

Sexually transmitted disease (STD)

A disease that is passed from one person to another through sexual intercourse or other intimate sexual contact. Also called STD.Mentioned in: Cephalosporins, Fluoroquinolones

sex·u·al·ly trans·mit·ted dis·ease

(STD) (sek'shū-ă-lē tranz-mit'ĕd di-zēz') Contagious disease acquired during sexual contact (e.g., syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid).
Synonym(s): venereal disease, sexually transmitted infection.

Patient discussion about sexually transmitted disease

Q. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES how many types are there?A. Gonorrhea, syphillis, Hepatitis B, Human Papilloma Virus, HIV, urethritis..
The rest of the list, I think lixurion had already shared you the link, just read on that link..

Q. Is hepatitis a sexually transmitted disease? I mean hepatitis B and C mainly…A. yes, hepatitis B is an STD, while hepatitis C is less likely caused by sexual transmitted disease.
hepatitis C usually transmitted through drugs usage and blood transfusion

Q. Are cold sores contagious? My boyfriend has cold sores on his mouth. Can I catch it from him? If so, how can I prevent catching it?A. Cold sores contain the HSV-1 virus, which is the herpes simplex virus . While your boyfriend has cold sores, he should wash his hands often, especially after touching his face. He shouldn't share cups and eating utensils with others since he is very contagious. You should not kiss him or touch the cold sores either, in order not to be infected.

More discussions about sexually transmitted disease

sexually transmitted disease

Related to sexually transmitted disease: trichomoniasis, chlamydia, Sexually transmitted infections
  • noun

Synonyms for sexually transmitted disease

noun a communicable infection transmitted by sexual intercourse or genital contact


  • social disease
  • STD
  • VD
  • venereal disease
  • venereal infection
  • Venus's curse
  • Cupid's disease
  • Cupid's itch
  • dose

Related Words

  • contagion
  • contagious disease
  • genital herpes
  • herpes genitalis
  • gonorrhea
  • gonorrhoea
  • clap
  • granuloma inguinale
  • granuloma venereum
  • lues
  • lues venerea
  • pox
  • syph
  • syphilis
  • LGV
  • lymphogranuloma venereum
  • lymphopathia venereum
  • chlamydia




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