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perioophorosalpingitis perioophorosalpingitis [per″e-o-of″o-ro-sal″pin-ji´tis] inflammation of the tissues around the ovary and fallopian tube.per·i·o·oph·o·ro·sal·pin·gi·tis (per'ē-ō-of'ō-rō-sal'pin-jī'tis), Inflammation of the peritoneum and other tissues around the ovary and oviduct. Synonym(s): perisalpingoovaritis [peri- + Mod. L. oophoron, ovary, + salpinx, trumpet, + -itis, inflammation] per·i·o·o·pho·ro·sal·pin·gi·tis (per'ē-ō-of'ŏr-ō-sal'pin-jī'tis) Inflammation of the peritoneum and other tissues around the ovary and oviduct. Synonym(s): perisalpingoovaritis. [peri- + Mod. L. oophoron, ovary, + salpinx, trumpet, + -itis, inflammation] |