Vasilii Nikolaevich Gubanov
Gubanov, Vasilii Nikolaevich
Born 1887, in Viatka Province; died Oct. 20, 1918. Active participant in the struggle to establish Soviet power in Voronezh. Member of the Communist Party from 1913. Born into a peasant’s family and became a worker.
Gubanov was exiled to Siberia for his strike activities; he fled to Baku, where he conducted revolutionary work at the Balakhany oil fields. He was one of the organizers, a member of the strike committee, of the Baku strike in 1914. He was arrested that year and banished to Voronezh in 1916. After the February Revolution of 1917 he was a member of the city and province committees of the RSDLP (Bolshevik) and a member of the soviet in Voronezh. In October 1917 he was a member of the Voronezh revolutionary committee, an organizer of a workers’ armed detachment, and then a member of the province executive committee. In October 1918 he headed a detachment of workers fighting against Ataman Krasnov. He was killed in a battle at the railroad station of Talovaia, 197 km southeast of Voronezh.