

单词 sabbath



S0003400 (săb′əth)n.1. The seventh day of the week, Saturday, observed as the day of rest and worship in Judaism and some Christian sects.2. The first day of the week, Sunday, observed as the day of rest and worship in most forms of Christianity.
[Middle English sabat, from Old French sabbat and Old English sabat, both from Latin sabbatum, from Greek sabbaton, from Hebrew šabbāt, from šābat, to cease, rest; see šbt in Semitic roots.]


(ˈsæbəθ) n1. (Judaism) the seventh day of the week, Saturday, devoted to worship and rest from work in Judaism and in certain Christian Churches2. (Ecclesiastical Terms) Sunday, observed by Christians as the day of worship and rest from work in commemoration of Christ's Resurrection3. (Ecclesiastical Terms) (not capital) a period of rest4. (Alternative Belief Systems) Also called: sabbat or witches' Sabbath a midnight meeting or secret rendezvous for practitioners of witchcraft, sorcery, or devil worship[Old English sabbat, from Latin sabbatum, from Greek sabbaton, from Hebrew shabbāth, from shābath to rest]


(ˈsæb əθ)

n. 1. the seventh day of the week, Saturday, as the day of rest and religious observance among Jews and some Christians. Ex. 20:8–11. 2. the first day of the week, Sunday, observed by most Christians in commemoration of the Resurrection of Christ. 3. (often l.c.) a day of rest or prayer. [before 900; Old English < Latin sabbatum < Greek sábbaton < Hebrew shabbāth rest] syn: See Sunday.


The seventh day of the week in the Jewish religion, Saturday. It is a holy day and a day of rest.
Noun1.Sabbath - a day of rest and worship: Sunday for most ChristiansSabbath - a day of rest and worship: Sunday for most Christians; Saturday for the Jews and a few Christians; Friday for Muslimsday of rest, rest day - a day set aside for rest


"The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath" Bible: St. Mark
"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy" Bible: Exodus


(ˈsӕbəθ) noun (usually with the) a day of the week regularly set aside for religious services and rest – among the Jews, Saturday; among most Christians, Sunday. (宗教的)安息日,猶太教為週六,基督教為週日 (宗教的)安息日




break the Sabbath

To violate the rules and terms of the Sabbath day (a holy day of rest and/or worship). Even though my religious rights are protected by law, my employer still made me break the Sabbath by coming into work on Saturday.See also: break, Sabbath

a Sabbath day's journey

A very short, undemanding journey, or the distance thereof. From Rabbinical law that stated a Jew could travel no more than a mile on the Sabbath (the holy day of rest). My father refused to go anywhere on the weekend if you needed to get there by car—or longer than a Sabbath day's journey, as he was fond of saying.See also: journey, Sabbath

a sabbath day's journey

a short and easy journey. Rabbinical law allowed a Jew to travel a certain distance on the Sabbath (about a kilometre); in the Bible, Mount Olivet is described as being ‘from Jerusalem a sabbath day's journey’ (Acts 1:12).See also: journey, Sabbath



[Heb.,=repose], in Judaism, last day of the week (Saturday), observed as a rest day for the twenty-five hours commencing with sundown on Friday. In the biblical account of creation (Gen. 1) the seventh day is set as a Sabbath to mark God's rest after his work. In Jewish law, starting with both versions of the Ten Commandments, the rules for the Sabbath are given in careful detail. The Sabbath is intended to be a day of spiritual refreshment and joy. Observant Jews wear special clothes, enjoy festive meals, and attend synagogue, where the weekly portion of the Pentateuch is read with an accompanying excerpt from the Prophets. In the home, the mistress of the house says a blessing and lights two candles in honor of the two biblical verses that enjoin Sabbath rest. Early Christians had a weekly celebration of the liturgy on the first day (Sunday), observing the Resurrection. Hence, among Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, Sunday is a liturgical feast; Protestants, applying the idea of the Jewish Sabbath to Sunday, forbade all but pious activity. The term "Lord's Day" was used, especially by Sabbatarians, to promote such observance (see blue lawsblue laws,
legislation regulating public and private conduct, especially laws relating to Sabbath observance. The term was originally applied to the 17th-century laws of the theocratic New Haven colony, and appears to originate in A General History of Connecticut
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). Some denominations (e.g., Seventh-Day BaptistsSeventh-Day Baptists,
Protestant church holding the same doctrines as other Calvinistic Baptists but observing the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath. In the Reformation in England the observance was adopted by many, and in the 17th cent.
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 and Seventh-Day AdventistsAdventists
[advent, Lat.,=coming], members of a group of related religious denominations whose distinctive doctrine centers in their belief concerning the imminent second coming of Jesus (see Judgment Day).
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) replace Sunday with Saturday. In Islam, Friday is the weekly day of public prayer.


(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. (Genesis 2:2-3)

Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work.... For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth... but he rested on the seventh day and made it holy. (Exodus 20:8-10)

These verses from the Hebrew scriptures constitute the driving command for Shabbat, or Jewish Sabbath, the weekly day of rest that begins with sunset on Friday and continues through sunset on Saturday evening.

The Talmud (see Judaism, Development of) outlines the laws and statutes tradition has regulated, defining what "work" is, what is and is not allowed, and how the day is to be celebrated. The Friday night kiddush, the benediction offered over wine and bread, ushers in the holy day that begins the weekly commemoration of creation. It is such a strong tradition that there have been times, such as during the Maccabean revolt, that Jews refused to defend themselves rather than break Shabbat.

The day is not viewed as a burden, something one must keep, but rather as a joy—something one gets to observe. The celebration of "Queen" Shabbat has, over the years, developed into a ritual.

On Friday night there is a blessing over candles, generally said or sung by the woman of the house, just before sunset. There is usually public worship at the synagogue. Evening and morning, after synagogue worship, a kiddush, or prayer of blessing, is spoken.

Three special meals are observed—the first on Friday evening, the second at noon on Saturday, and the third later in the afternoon. The Zemirot, one of many liturgical hymns, is often sung during these meals.

Shabbat is a time for study and reflection, usually of a section of Torah.

The day is concluded with the Havdalah ceremony, a separation ritual, on Saturday night.

Not all Jews hold to this strict observance, of course. Many families have developed their own traditions. But what has become known as the spirit of the Sabbath is very important. Even if traditional observances are not followed, a time of rest, refreshment, and remembrance is still observed even by many nonreligious Jews. Because the rest of the world does not recognize Saturday as a day of rest, many Jews— shopkeepers, for instance, or those who work at jobs requiring their presence on Saturdays—have had to make compromises.

In addition to the weekly Sabbaths, there are also anniversary Sabbaths held throughout the year, with yearly Sabbaths held every seventh year. Traditionally these were years set apart to let the land enjoy a Sabbath rest, to be replenished by lying fallow for a season.

There is a widely held belief that Sunday became a Christian Sabbath, a change in the day of rest. But Sunday is never referred to in the Bible by the name Sabbath. It was called the Lord's Day by early Christians, referring to the fact that Jesus was said to have risen on Sunday. It rapidly became a day of worship. But Shabbat continued to be a Jewish observance, and the early church never intended to supersede it.


the seventh day of the week, prescribed as a day of rest and worship. [Judaism: Brewer Dictionary, 788]See: Holy Days and Periods


1. the seventh day of the week, Saturday, devoted to worship and rest from work in Judaism and in certain Christian Churches 2. Sunday, observed by Christians as the day of worship and rest from work in commemoration of Christ's Resurrection 3. a period of rest 4. a midnight meeting or secret rendezvous for practitioners of witchcraft, sorcery, or devil worship


SABBATH. The same as Sunday. (q.v.)


  • noun

Words related to Sabbath

noun a day of rest and worship: Sunday for most Christians

Related Words

  • day of rest
  • rest day




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