Vasilii Nalivkin

Nalivkin, Vasilii Dmitrievich


Born Apr. 17 (30), 1915, in Petrograd. Soviet geologist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1968). Son of D. V. Nalivkin.

V. D. Nalivkin graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Mines in 1938. Since 1937 he has worked at the Ail-Union Research Institute for Geological Oil Prospecting. He is the author of major works on petroleum geology, the tectonics of platform regions, the paleogeography of the USSR, and the geology of the Western Urals. Nalivkin received the Lenin Prize in 1964 for providing scientific evidence of the oil and gas potentials of the West Siberian Plain and for discovering that province’s first Berezovo gas-bearing region. He has been awarded two orders and a number of medals.


Stratigrafiia i tektonika Ufimskogo plato i Iurezano-Syhenskoi depressli. Leningrad-Moscow, 1949.
Fatsii i geologicheskaia istoriia Ufimskogo plato i Iurezano-Syhenskoi depressii. Leningrad-Moscow, 1950.
Tektonika: Volgo-Ural’skaia neftenosnaia oblast’. Leningrad, 1956.(Coauthor.)
Analiz vliianiia razlichnykh faktorov na razmeshchenie i formirovanie mestorozhdenii nefti i gaza. Leningrad, 1971. (Coauthor.)