Vasilii Latyshev
Latyshev, Vasilii Vasil’evich
Born July 29 (Aug. 10), 1855, in the village of Dievo, present-day Rameshki Raion, Kalinin Oblast; died May 2, 1921, in Petrograd. Russian classical philologist, epigraphist, and historian. Elected to the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1893.
Latyshev’s most important works are Compendium of Classical Inscriptions Found in the Northern Black Sea Region (vols. 1, 2, and 4, 1885–1901) and Reports of Ancient Greek and Latin Writers About Scythia and the Caucasus (vols. 1–2, issues 1–5, 1893–1906), which was printed in the original languages with Russian translation (the translation alone was reprinted in Vestnik drevnei istorii, 1947–49). Latyshev wrote a number of books and many articles on ancient history (chiefly the Northern Black Sea Region), epigraphy, and Byzantine hagiography. In 1900 he began working for the Archaeological Commission. He was the founder and, until his death, the editor of Izvestiia arkheologicheskoi komissii (Reports of the Archaeological Commission).