Acronym | Definition |
TPO➣The Philadelphia Orchestra (Pennsylvania) |
TPO➣Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra (Tokyo, Japan) |
TPO➣Tribal Police Officer (Alaska) |
TPO➣Thyroid Peroxidase |
TPO➣Thrombopoietin |
TPO➣Tree Preservation Order (UK) |
TPO➣Triple Pelvic Osteotomy (veterinary medicine) |
TPO➣Thermoplastic Olefin |
TPO➣Transportation Planning Organization |
TPO➣Total Power Output |
TPO➣Trade Promotion Organization (various locations) |
TPO➣Third Party Only (auto insurance) |
TPO➣Temporary Protection Order |
TPO➣Temporary Protective Order |
TPO➣Transmitter Power Output |
TPO➣Training and Placement Officer (various organizations; India) |
TPO➣Temperature-Programmed Oxidation |
TPO➣Tree Protection Order (UK) |
TPO➣Third Party Origination (lending) |
TPO➣Time, Place, and Occasion (appropriate clothing and behavior) |
TPO➣Trade Promotion Optimization |
TPO➣Trainee Probation Officer (UK) |
TPO➣Treatment, Payment & Operations (HIPAA) |
TPO➣Technical Project Officer |
TPO➣Traveling Post Office |
TPO➣Transition Planning Office (various organizations) |
TPO➣Triple Peel on Opponent (croquet) |
TPO➣TRADOC Project Office (US Army) |
TPO➣Transition Program Office (various organizations) |
TPO➣Theatre Pipe Organ |
TPO➣Twisted Pair Only |
TPO➣Thermal Plastic Olefin |
TPO➣Terminal Performance Objective |
TPO➣Thermo-Plastic Polyolefin |
TPO➣Time-Proportional Output |
TPO➣Trade Paperback Original |
TPO➣Terahertz-wave Parametric Oscillator |
TPO➣Toshiba Philharmonic Orchestra |
TPO➣Transaction Processing Option |
TPO➣Teleport Program Office |
TPO➣Totally Pissed Off |
TPO➣Test Program Office |
TPO➣THAAD Project Office |
TPO➣Technical Publications Office |
TPO➣Time and Place of Occurrence |
TPO➣Test Program Outline |
TPO➣Technical Program Office |
TPO➣Technical Planning Objective |
TPO➣Total Product Offer |
TPO➣Telecommunications Program Objective |
TPO➣Test Process Optimization (software) |
TPO➣TACSIM Program Office |
TPO➣Trout Predator Online (website) |
TPO➣Terminal Program Office |
TPO➣Telecommunications Project Office |
TPO➣Tentative Program Objective |
TPO➣Tri-Service Medical Information System Program Office |
TPO➣Transports Pluviaud Organisation (French: Pluviaud Transportation Organization) |
TPO➣Track Production Officer (radar air surveillance) |
TPO➣Total Power Optimization |
TPO➣Topological Pre-Ordering |