TPLATerra Prime Lightsaber Academy
TPLATransfer of Public Lands Act (Utah)
TPLATurkish People's Liberation Army
TPLAToledo Patent Law Association (Ohio)
TPLATrade Point Los Angeles
TPLAThree Plus Letter Acronym
TPLATexas Papers on Latin America
TPLATennessee Products Liability Act
TPLATop Projected Leaf Area
TPLATrading Profit and Loss Account
TPLATu Prends l'Apéro (French)
TPLATRICARE Pacific Lead Agency
TPLATurkish Peoples' Liberation Army
TPLATwo-Phase Link Adjustment
TPLATopsy/Pokegama Landscape Analysis
TPLAThe Product Liability Alliance
TPLATangible Property Lease Agreement
TPLATotal Plant Leaf Area
TPLATamil People's Liberation Army
TPLAThe Phoenix Lights Analysis
TPLATimber Production Lease Agreement
TPLATechnological Perspective for Latin America
TPLATexas Products Liability Act
TPLAThe Pokey Liberation Army
TPLAThe Perfect Learning Algorithm
TPLATracheoPharyngeal Lumen Airway
TPLAThird Party Liability Agreement
TPLATaller and Purple on Leaf Axis
TPLAThe Performers League Agency Ltd (London, UK)
TPLATechnical Play
TPLATRICARE Pacific Lead Agent
TPLATechnological Prospective for Latin America (project)
TPLATrabeculoplastia con Láser de Argón