

单词 tpl



(1)Table Producing Language. "The Bureau of Labor StatisticsTable Producing Language (TPL)", R.C. Mendelssohn, Proc ACMAnnual Conf (1974).


(2)Fleming Nielson. A concurrent functional language.


(3)Terminal Programming Language. Texas Inst, late 70's.Used on the TI-990/1 Small Business Computer and the TI-771Intelligent Terminal.


TPLTrust for Public Land
TPLTemple (Amtrak station code; Temple, TX)
TPLTrasporto Pubblico Locale (Italian: Local Public Transport)
TPLThird-Party Liability
TPLToronto Public Library (Ontario, Canada)
TPLTask Parallel Library (Microsoft)
TPLTethys Petroleum Limited (various locations)
TPLThe Premier League
TPLTrusted Products List
TPLTurbo Pascal Library
TPLTemplate File
TPLTrendnet Powerline
TPLTool Presets
TPLThird Party Logistics
TPLTorrent Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. (Torrent Group, India)
TPLTuscaloosa Public Library (Tuscaloosa, AL)
TPLTest Plan
TPLTariff Preference Level
TPLTechnical Publications Library
TPLTable Producing Language
TPLTask and Project List
TPLTransport and Project Logistics (Belgium)
TPLTrouble de la Personnalité Limite (French: Borderline Personality Disorder; behavioral health)
TPLTeaneck Public Library (Teaneck, NJ)
TPLTrue Peak Level (audio processing)
TPLTemple, TX, USA (Airport Code)
TPLTigard Public Library (Tigard, OR)
TPLTeacher Professional Leave (Australia)
TPLTransaction Processing Language
TPLTeilprojektleiter (German: Subproject Manager)
TPLTechnical Pay Law (Massachusetts)
TPLTowed Pinger Locator (salvage equipment for locating submerged civilian aircraft flight data recorders)
TPLTest Priority List
TPLTranspolar Long Path (radio signals)
TPLThermo-Plastic Liner
TPLTwo-Phase Locking
TPLTechnical Project Lead
TPLThreatened Premature Labor (obstetrics)
TPLTotal Path Length
TPLTime Phase Line
TPLTechnical Publications List
TPLToplock (access controller)
TPLTemporary Procedures Log
TPLTritium Processing Laboratory
TPLTraditional Product Line
TPLTraditional Pit Latrine
TPLThrust Power Lever
TPLTelephone Private Line(s)
TPLTransient Protection Limit
TPLTax Policy Library (Virginia)
TPLTerminal Processing Logic
TPLThermal Protective Liner (aviation helmet)
TPLTout pour le Loisir (French: Everything for Leisure; camper retailer)
TPLThe Partz Locator
TPLToday's Patient List
TPLThreat Parameter Listing
TPLTest de Positionnement en Langues (French: Language Placement Test; education)
TPLTrishyiraya Recycling India Pvt Ltd (Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India)




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