

单词 tpi



abbreviation for (Economics) tax and price index: a measure of the increase in taxable income needed to compensate for an increase in retail prices



(Tracks Per Inch) The measurement of the density of the storage channels on a disk or tape. Track density on magnetic disks has reached 125,000 tpi (125 Ktpi). See bpi, areal density and track pitch.


TPITeeth Per Inch
TPITitleist Performance Institute (golf)
TPITreads per Inch (tires)
TPITuned Port Injection
TPIThreads Per Inch
TPIThird Party Insurance
TPITribunal Pénal International (French: International Criminal Tribunal; Netherlands)
TPITracks Per Inch
TPITravel Planners International (Maitland, FL)
TPITransport Information Item
TPITravel Professionals International (Canada)
TPITranspacific Industries Group Ltd. (Australia)
TPITruss Plate Institute
TPITest Process Improvement
TPIThird Party Interface (software)
TPITotal Personal Income
TPITurkish Patent Institute (Turkey)
TPITurfgrass Producers International
TPIThird-Party Inspection
TPITillotson-Pearson, Inc. (now TPI Composites)
TPITrigger Point Injection
TPIThermoplastic Polyimide
TPITribunale Penale Internazionale (International Court of Justice, The Netherlands)
TPITimber Products Inspection (Conyers, GA; est. 1969)
TPITurning Point, Inc. (Safety Harbor, FL)
TPITurns Per Inch (machining and welding)
TPITarget Position Indicator (US Navy)
TPITwisted Pair Interface (electronic components)
TPIThird-Party Intermediaries
TPITender Price Index
TPITotal Positive Income
TPITwo Person Integrity
TPIThéatre de la Photographie et de l'Image (French: Theater of Photography and Image)
TPITitre au Porteur Identifiable (French: Identifiable Title Bearer; finance)
TPITons Per Inch Immersion
TPITechnology Partnership Initiative (UK)
TPITap Position Indicator (EMCO; electronics)
TPITeam Première Infanterie (French: Team First Infantry; online gaming clan)
TPITerminal Phase Initiation
TPITransistorized Pointless Ignition (motorcycles)
TPITsutsunaka Plastic Industry (Japan)
TPITechnical Proposal Instructions
TPITest Program Instruction
TPITrading Partner Interchange (e-business software)
TPITelecom Plus International
TPIThrottle Position Indicator (automobile electronic sensor)
TPITime-Provider Interface
TPITotal Performance Indicator
TPITableau Pédagogique Interactif (French: Interactive Learning Table)
TPITechnical Points of Interest
TPITechnology Policy International
TPITelecom Performance Index
TPITail-Plane Incidence
TPITanzania Pharmaceutical Industry Ltd
TPITradepoint International (World Trade and Industry Organization)
TPITelemarketing Professionals, Inc.
TPITransportability Problem Item
TPITilted Plate Interceptor (separates oil from contaminated water - oil refineries)
TPITemporary Program of Instruction
TPITest Planning Integration
TPITechnical/Technician Proficiency Inspection
TPITRADOC Procurement Instruction
TPITransport Service Programmers Interface




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